
8 1 0

1. On the cold side of the sun,

2. The lifeless man got up to run.

3. The graceful woman tripped on a rock.

4. And the honest man stole her sock.

5. A mindless zombie passing through,

6. Told the honest man to tell the truth.

7. The honest man joined the lifeless

8. To the newly found lost empress.

9. The graceful woman stumbled after

10. With the mindless zombie's thoughtful ponder.

11. The newly found lost empress lady

12. Was very brightly awfully shady.

13. The honest man took her gold.

14. The mindless zombie thought the truth would be told.

15. And of the graceful woman, you may wonder about

16. Became the clumsiest gracefully empress, no doubt.

Is it good? Who knows lol

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