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Back to my POV:

Of course I know I'm causing stress

I know it's a lie: "You are the best!"

But you were causing stress for me

Still, I was excited for your company

I'm dealing with an inner war

And hiding it has been a chore

But I would've hidden it longer for you

I would've stayed silent and blue

But no, you said my inner war was wrong

That since I was weak, you'd be long gone

I guess for you, it's better to be alone to look "strong"

And when you say it's stressful

What do you even mean?

Because when I say its stressful

It means I don't want to be seen

And noticed at the same time

But for you, what is stress?

It's it knowing you're lying all the time?

That you're saying I'm more when you think I'm less?

For me it's dreams of rejection and despair

It's dreams that it's lies, and you don't care

This war in my head turned into a nightmare

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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