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When I pulled up in Paul's driveway he pulled his bike up beside me the tires screeching in the dirt at his sudden stop "jesus beck, I had it handled." he said frowning at me.
"I know, I don't know I held back though." I tried to justify what I had done but I couldn't, even if I did hold back.
He shook his head but I could tell he was holding back a smile "Paul it's not funny." I said biting back my own.
He smirked "it was a little funny. I mean here I was thinking I was the animal." he said.
I shook the smile from my face "we shouldn't laugh." I said.
He bit his bottom lip failing to hide his smile "no, we shouldn't." he said. He snorted trying to hold in his laugh & I smiled punching him in the shoulder.
"shut up." I said turning to go inside.
"you know there's plenty of other ways to release anger, beneficial to us both." he called.
"I will kick your ass, Lahote." I called back he laughed.
"I don't doubt it." he said as he ran to catch up to me.

Paul & I were sitting on the couch listening to music & talking when I received a phone call "hello?" I answered.
"Becka!" it was Jacob.
"hey, Jake what's up?" I asked with a smile.
"what are you doing tonight? Dad wanted to know if you want to come over for dinner? You could probably stay, give me a lift to school in the morning?" he asked happily.
"yeah sweet. I'll come around now." I said my smile growing.
"did you beat the crap out of some chick?" he asked with a chuckle.
I groaned "I admit to nothing, who told you?" I asked.
"Kim told Quil, she wasn't mad. She said she was hitting on Paul." he explained.
"hitting on him & then ran her mouth at me." I said bitterly with a roll of my eyes.
"good to know our Becka is back." he said the humour clear in his voice.
"yeah, yeah-" I said sarcastically "I'll see you soon." I flipped my phone shut & stood.
"heading to Jacob's?" Paul asked.
"yeah, I need to put more effort in. You know? We're really close & I haven't been hanging out with him as much because-" I stopped & frowned there were so many reasons where should I start?
"because of me." Paul said with a slow nod.
I gave him a tight smile "no, well that's one of the reasons but there's been a lot happening & he's not part of this world." I said, I felt sad suddenly I was keeping so many secrets from Jacob but they weren't my secrets to tell.
Paul nodded "I know, I don't want to stop you from hanging out with your friends Beck. That's the last thing I want to do, they've made you who you are & I don't want to change that." he said.
I smiled at him "you're the best you know that right?"
He chuckled "you don't have to tell me twice." he said with a wink.
I stood from the couch & kissed his forehead "love you." I whispered.
"& you." he called as I began to walk out the door.

I decided to stop in at home & grab some clothes for school tomorrow I had my last round of English tests & then I was finished. They'd be graded & I'll graduate next week, I was beyond happy to be done with school but I was also a little sad. I was closing a pretty major chapter in my life & stepping into adulthood it was a little scary if I was honest.
I pulled into the driveway to see Charlie's police cruiser parked next to Bella's truck.
I pulled my jacket closer to my body as I hoped out of the truck, it was freezing.
I walked up the steps & was greeted by Chalire waiting for me at the door "Billy called are you going to Jake's?" he asked, I nodded.
"sure am, why am I not aloud to?" I asked, I probably should have asked Charlie before I agreed but it's never been a problem before. The only reason he put a curfew on me was because I was staying at Paul's house to often & he didn't want me there with my boyfriend.
He shrugged "fine by me but can you try to get Bella out of her room? Maybe she can go with you." he said.
I pursed my lips & nodded "I'll try, Jacob would love that anyway."
I had my doubts that she would come especially after I found her in the toilets today. "oh & Becka?" Charlie called as I walked past him, I stopped on the first step & turned to face him.
"I thought you had put fighting behind you?" he asked with a frown, he crossed his arms over his chest as he starred me down.
I pouted my lips as I looked at the ceiling & shook my head "m'no pretty sure I'm not." I said letting a grin glide across my lips.
Charlie shook his head "damn it, Becka." he said rubbing his temples.
I chuckled "oh come on dad, she had it coming." I said turning to make my way up the rest of the steps.
"at least hold back on them, I don't want a repeat of the Newton boy!" he called.
"no promises!" I sang from the top of the steps.
As I approached Bella's room I was very aware of the deafening silence coming from it, I opened the door to see her sitting in a chair starring out the window that faced the backyard.
"Bells?" I called as I walked in, no response she just kept starring "I'm going to the Black's tonight for dinner, did you want to come?" I asked, she shook her head slowly but didn't turn to face me, I frowned as I turned to leave the room. Clearly this was her grieving process.

Loco | Paul Lahote | Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now