nine: How to Cure a Hangover

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Shagun & Ashok
The Next Morning At Khanna Mansion

"Ashok" Shagun screeched as she sat up in bed, blinking groggily at the bright sunlight. Her mouth tasted like sawdust and it felt as if hammers were beating inside her head. "Ashooook"

"Madam, sir toh neeche hai" (Madam, Sir is downstairs) a quaking manservant had entered the room, and he now cowered at the door, as Shagun threw a cushion at him.

"Nimbu pani lekar aao" (Bring me some lemon juice) she screamed, "And my tablets. Where are my tablets" She searched rapidly on the bedside table for her Adderall, realizing that bastard Ashok must have thrown them out when he had thrown her out. Luckily, she had some in her bag, she remembered, grabbing her handbag and then gulping two capsules quickly.

The manservant has reappeared with some nimbu pani and she grabbed the glass from him, gulping the soothing drink, as her head began to clear. She had thought she was immune to the effects of alcohol. Last night must have been too much even by her own standards, she realized, as she waved away the manservant, grabbing at one of her garishly colored sarees as she stalked into the ensuite. It was Ashoks fault, getting her drunk.

Did that Ashok really think he could win by making her drunk? That she would give away her secrets somehow or let him off the hook?

"Dream on Ashok Khanna" she sneered as she stepped underneath the shower. "You will never get me out of here"

Ishita & Raman
The Next Morning at Bhalla House

"Ishita, are you okay?" Raman looked at his wife with sympathy and concern as she opened one eye to peer at him. He had been up for an hour and had been waiting for his Ishita to get up, knowing she would be hungover, and having made all the preparations he could think of to make her feel better.

"Raman" Ishita groaned. "I feel so sick. Kyun itna pilaya mujhe? Kitne bure ho." (Why did you make me drink so much? You're so bad)

"Hello madam, mein ne kya kiya? Pee toh khud rahi thi aur bande par ilzaam aa raha hai" (Hello madam, what did I do? You were the one drinking too much, so don't blame me, okay) he pouted at her in a injured tone as he put his arms out to her, helping her to sit up.

She sat up and held her head as she stared at him. "Ouch" she mumbled.

"Here, put this on" Raman helped his groaning wife to get into her dressing gown suppressing a smile at the look on her face. "And drink this" he added, holding up a glass of nimbu pani and two paracetamol tablets.

Ishita looked at him in suspicion. "Ab kya pila rahe ho aap mujhe" (Now what are you making me drink?) she asked, reclining on the headboard of the bed, her pounding head telling her to remain in bed a little while longer.

"Nimbu pani" (Lemon juice) Raman said with a grin. "Believe me, I'm an expert on hangovers madam, Nimbu pani and two painkillers, then shower and breakfast, and hangover gone. Come on, good girl, have this."

Ishita gave in before the obvious love in her husband's voice and allowed him to pop the tablets into her mouth, swallowing them with the surprisingly refreshing lemon juice. A grumble in her stomach reminded her that she was hungry and she looked at Raman guiltily.

"Come on" her husband took the glass from her and put in on the bedside table before helping her out of bed. "You didn't have much to eat last night, champagne on an empty stomach, that's why you feel so bad now. Go and shower and change and I'll go down and make some dry toast for you. You'll feel better in no time."

He made as though to move away but was checked by his wife's hand clutching his.

"Raman, I'm sorry" she whispered. "I know I drank too much and I remember we went to a club and...." Her voice trailed off as she looked at the shirt, tie and her clothes scattered on the floor. "Aur kya kiya mein ne...?" (What else did I do...?)

Kaun Kiska ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora