11.) Depression

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There's a lot of different types.

They hit you a lot of different ways.

For any number of reasons.

For me it's stress. And more stress. Plus a lot more stress. Multiplied by MORE STRESS.

Self-invalidation too. Old habits die hard. I had to teach myself how to expect it. How to just deal with it. Unfortunately, I could never teach myself how to get over it. Plus you can't just stop learned behaviors simply because its "safer".








Silence. What is wrong with me? Why can't I say something? Anything?

How am I supposed to expect other people to use my name and pronouns if I'm too weak to ever say anything? Why have I done this to myself?

I keep waking up more tired than when I fell asleep. I don't ever want to get up for school anymore. I do, but not for myself. I never do anything for myself. I don't know how.

My muscles are so heavy. I feel so weak all the time. My last race was terrible.

My senses are so sensitive and unfocused. Everything is so loud and bright and I can't focus my eyes, ever. My ribcage cramps and stabs and leaves me gasping for air and it's because of my own mother.

No matter what I do to try to better myself, I'm not gaining any ground. I'm just so tired.

I'm not sure what to do. Something needs to let up.

There's more, but I'll stop here.


Be true, stay you ❤❤

~Day Dreamer~

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