12.) Just Another List

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Things that keep me alive:
☆☆Running (the only time I don't hate my body)
☆☆Reading (mythical worlds provide a wonderful escape)
☆☆My amazing friends (I love all you sciencers)
☆☆My fantabulous boyfriend (you're my favorite person I love you and I need your magick hugs like I need oxygen)
☆☆Playing my viola (makes me feel good about my dexterity and I get so lost when I'm playing minor songs)
☆☆Cartoons on Netflix (cuz why not I love being a child fight me mate)
☆☆Music (who doesn't rely on music? (other than people with a rare psychological condition))
☆☆My cats (there's a lot of them)
☆☆My Grandmother (I owe her everything)
☆☆CHOCOLATE (I blame puberty for this problem I used to hate huge amounts of chocolate)
There's ten things here that I've focused on. There could possibly be more.

The moral? Focus on the things you love. Don't let them go. If you do, you'll lose yourself. Don't do that to yourself.


Be true, stay you ❤❤

~Day Dreamer~

Living the Non-Binary Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें