♡<> s e v e n <>♡

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His brown eyes slowly shut.

Fuck my life.

I scooped up his body, treating him like he was one of my porcelain dolls I have back at home.

Don't ask. I just am kinda obsessed with dolls.

I frantically searched around the airport for a vending machine. The crowded halls of people ignoring that I have a passed out celebrity in my arms.

I swiftly run to a bench and place him down.

"C'mon Brad. Not now!"

I pulled my pocket out of my denim jeans and searched for the only man I could think of who's used to this stuffs number.

Connor Ball.

I dialed the correct number after many failed attempts. My hands bringing the small device to my ear.

"Con." I whispered like an ASMR video. Twirling Brad's locks between my fingers to let him know I'm here.

"Yo T, why you whispering?" He questioned softly.

"Um, it's Brad, he got in- you know what I'll tell you later but he passed out and I don't know what to do so please help me" I rushed my words. Panic {A/N : ! At The Disco} rushing through my veins.

"First of all, Topanga, breathe."

"I am Con, I'd be dead if I wasn't dick head"

He laughed.

"No time for laughing!" I snapped

"Okay well, pour water over his face. It usually helps people wake up like that vine-" I cut him off

"Okay. Brad babe I'm so sorry to your lovely curls but if you want to live" I tipped the ice water from the vending machine behind onto his beautiful face. Damn does this man have flaws?


"Is he awake?" The blonde kinda-emo boy questioned me. Rushing me again. Gosh darn it Connor Ball. PATIENCE NOT AT IT'S FINEST EVERYONE!!1!!1!1!

"Give me a chance hoe"

"Panic! at the hoesco"

"Never. Say. That. Again."

"Lord Topanga. Your stressing. Calm down, he'll wake"

"But he's not!"

"Shake him?" more of a command than a question if you ask me.

But, it's me. When is it not a command. I'm a dumb bitch.

I shook him, the pure trinklets of water trailing down his face like they were following a map.

"If he is actually awake and he wants me to kiss him-"

Call ended.

Oh fuck you Mr. Ball.

I pressed my lips onto his as softly yet powerful as possible. My long strands of hair outlining as I leant over his face.

We parted and his cliché eyes looked me in mine.

My ass.

"What happened and why is the end of your hair wet?," He sat up as I straightened my posture. "AND MINE!?"

"Bwad am srre, you pass3d out and I panic!ked was after fight that guy you. So I called Con and he told me everything up to the kiss.. that was my idea" my words slurred a bit from shock and anger.

"What guy?"

I sighed at his forgetfulness.

Clumsy and forgetful as always.

"The guy who was trying to hit on me." I mumbled under my breath. Hoping he doesn't hear.

"Where is he?"

"Brad, no"






"HA" I stuck my tounge out at him and pulled him up.

"C'mon. We're going." I grabbed his hand and enlaced our fingers like before. I pulled him through the paparazzzi like I was his mother. Always a kid this boy, I swear.

"Where are we- CHEESE" I laughed at his expected childness.

"Oh my god I love a two year old," I mentally face palmed myself. "What am I going to do with you- apart from stealing- well borrowing your last name for the rest of our lifetime."

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