♡<> n i n e <>♡

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{A/N : in the afternoon bitchesssss}


I kept running until I couldn't no more, Brad was close. I could feel his heavy breath on my back.

I rested my hands against the green fence and watched the planes chasing past.

My breaths were taken a back by the consolation and the planes. Nothing could beat this.

I felt arms rest at the side of mine and a body stepped closer to mine. I closed my eyes for a second and took in his cologne.

"The views stunning. Gorgeous." I spoke up, letting the sky engulf all my attention away from Brad's sweet scent.

"Wanna know something more stunning?" I could hear the check in his voice. Oh no, were at th pickup line stage already of this trip.

"Oh, I already know."

"What then?"

I turned around, quickly realising I'd pinned myself up for him.

"Remi, the rat from ratatouille" I beamed.

He just sighed and looked me in the eyes, I quickly looked away feeling guilty.

"Jokes aside Topanga."

"Then no, I guess I don't" I shrugged and locked eyes with him again.

His eyes tell silent stories.

Some the fans don't know, some they do.

"Well. It's you."

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