Not an update

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A/N : sup, so like I've been inactive- and I feel like I owe an explanation to yall.

My life's been falling apart pretty much, I've been close to depressed (my mam still thinks I am), crying after being happy for just about a second, mental breakdowns every night. I know more about my dad then I did before, and honestly.. I don't blame him for running away and leaving me. I wouldn't want me either. I'm annoying as fuck. Shit hurts yknow, I'm seeing my brothers soon though so that's made me stronger, hope. I've been texting people, normal but I have spoke to certain people about how broken I feel. Loads of my friendship group has gone through depression so they've been pulling me through and away from it. I'm safe to say I'm strong, I honestly owe this to Rebecca and Anamika, so my bbys, my active hoes, if you see this, I love you so fucking much, you guys are my world apart from the guys. You pull me through shit I can't even imagine to explain. I appreciate you both so so much and we WILL meet, I promise you.

But in other words, I've been getting myself better. I love you and thank you for sticking with.

-bagel // whatever you call me

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