Chapter Thirty-Seven-Everything Back to Normal...Sort of

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Annabeth's Pov

Long Island Sound glinted in the sunrise. The waves lapped against the sandy beach, bringing in the salty brine of the ocean. The smell always reminded me of Percy, but that wasn't why I'd come here. 

I needed to think. With everything that had happened, I needed to step back and analyze what was real and what wasn't. 

Luke, I thought, resting my chin on my knees. It was one thing to watch him die once, another to think I had him back and then lose him all over again. You were a brother to me, Luke.

A brother. 

In that alternate reality, the one Mnemosyne created, Malcolm had been my brother. Not just a half-brother on Athena's side--my real brother. Which made me wonder...was that something I wanted? I had two half brother's on my dad's side as well, but....

Oh gods! My dad. That day he dropped me off at camp in the fake reality...did that actually happen? I hoped not...last I thought, my dad and I were getting along better, but...well. I honestly had no clue. I really needed to call him. 

But I didn't. Not yet. 

"Hey," said a familiar voice. "I've been looking all over for you."

I unravelled my arms from around my knees and turned to see Percy striding across the sand. He was looking pretty good, considering two days ago he had been nearly killed by a Titan. His black hair blew away from his face in the breeze, and his green eyes blazed with concern. He was smirking. 

"Sorry," I muttered, turning back to the waves. "I thought you were stuck in the infirmary until this evening."

I could feel him standing right behind me. His fingers lifted up a lock of my hair. 

"I was," he said, "but apparently even Will caves to a bribe of pineapple upside-down cake."

I quirked my eyebrow. "Where are you going to get pineapple upside-down cake?"

"I dunno, my mom I guess." There was a note of sunfused sadness in his voice.

I sighed, taking his hand and pulling him down next to me. His arms immediately wrapped around my shoulders, and I leaned back against him. 

"When are you going to go see her?" I asked.

"When are you going to see your dad?" he countered.

"Soon," I said, "but first I want to punch Aphrodite in the face."

Percy grunted, "I'm with you. Do you really think she'd betray the other gods just to mess with us? Seems...I don't know, foolhardy."

"Percy, this is Aphrodite we're talking about." I remembered the conversation I'd had with her at the Battery in Charleston, and felt sure that Aphrodite had been a big part of this whole fiasco.

"Well," Percy said, circling his thumb on the back of my hand, "in that case, you probably don't have to punch her in the face. The other gods might do it for you."

I balled my hands in frustration. "I wish there was somewhere we could go where the gods couldn't reach us. Where we wouldn't be part of their games."

"Alaska?" Percy asked with aversion in his voice.

I paused, considering.

"No," Percy said firmly. "We are not going to Alaska."

"Do you really think they'll leave us alone at Camp Jupiter, Percy?"

He paused. 

"Maybe not," he admitted finally. "And as much as that sucks, I'd rather be at Camp Jupiter where we could still see our friends, than in Alaska without them."

I turned to look at him. His gaze was on the horizon, watching the waves out at sea. 

"You're right," I said. "But I still want to punch Aphrodite in the face."

He chuckled, meeting my gaze. Suddenly I was thrown back into that fake reality, remembering Percy as I'd seen him then. We had started out as strangers on opposing teams, and that had turned into a tentative alliance, which had turned into a friendship, until finally, we ended up together. I realized it didn't sound that far off from how it had really happened. 

This, me and him, it was supposed to happen. Maybe that was what Aphrodite was trying to say, stupid meddling diva that she was. Maybe that was the point, to show us that we were supposed to be together. I'll admit that it made me feel a bit weird. Like it didn't matter what I wanted, I was supposed to be with Percy anyway. But the thing is, I wanted to be with him, so maybe it didn't matter.

He smiled, our noses nearly touching, and it warmed me right down to my toes. 

No, our lives aren't perfect, but that kiss certainly was.


Thank you all so much for your support! Love you all so much! As some of you know, I am striving to become a published author, so I would really appreciate the help if you could go check out some of my other works. You guys rock!

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