Chap 4

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"Hey, get off me!" Perseus pushed the drunk girl away. She decided to sit next to the lonely boy and run her hand along the inside of his thigh. He jerked and took action quickly.

"But sweetie... don't ya wanna play?" Alice, the drunk girl, purred.

Perseus shook his head, "no. Nope, I really don't want to play."

"Oh Hun, don't be like that... we could have... so much fun," she licked her lips seductively. Or... attempted to. The alcohol made her movements uneven, so what really happened is that she when she licked her lips, her whole tongue stuck out and sloppily circled her mouth. It looked quite disgusting, actually.

Percy pretended to think about it, "yeah... how about... no." He stood up but was quickly pulled back down into the girl's lap. "I said, NO." He stood up and unlatched her from him. He weaved through the drunk oblivious teens until he reached the staircase, he hoped they had a window upstairs that he could stick his head out and not have to listen to the crappy music.

Unfortunately, he never made it to the window. He was pulled into a room and pushed onto the floor. He heard the door lock and he stood up quickly and spun. Before him stood a tall female who was on the cheerleading team. She grinned nastily, every step forward was a step back for Perseus.

"What are you doing?" Percy asked, keeping his voice as monotone as he could, yet there was a little waver. The female seemed to notice it too, and her grin grew impossibly larger.

She pushed Percy against the wall, their faces were so close that Percy could feel the girl's breath on his face.

Why did I agree to go to this stupid party? Why can't I get one break in my life? JUST ONE!

"Why hello there... Perseus," wait. That voice was familiar. He sighed in relief and rolled his eyes. He pushed the girl back onto the floor with his impossible strength.

"Kelli, how was Tartarus treating you?" It was Percy's turn to grin.

She hissed as the mist faded, revealing her two mismatched legs. "I will get revenge, Perseus Jackson."

"How about... nope!" When Kelli walked towards him, he ran forward and stepped on the bed, using it to vault himself into a flip, over Kelli's head. She growled and spun around. She watched him carefully as he seemed to take something out of the back of his waistband. He flung the objects forward and they pierced her shirt and skirt, pinning her to the wall. He walked over and whipped out his sword, smirking as he did so.

"Goodbye Kelli," and with that, he slashed her neck. The icicles that pinned her to the wall evaporated as they fell to the ground.

"Uh..." Percy spun to see Apollo standing there with two red solo cups. "Hey...?"

He smiled, "hey, Apollo."

Apollo chuckled, breathing a little heavy, as if he ran up the stairs thrice. "That was..."

"Unnecessary? Unwanted? Undesirable? Unsought?" Perseus rhymed off, counting on his fingers as he put Anaklusmos away. "Yeah, that's what you get for being a demigod."

"Here, I got you a drink," Apollo handed Percy a red solo cup after about 30 seconds of awkwardness. Let's just say the seconds we're still ticking...

Perseus gently took it and walked over to the bedside where he placed it down. He flopped onto the perfectly made bed and sighed dramatically. Apollo chuckled and placed his cup next to Percy's, also jumping onto the bed. He laid a respective 2 feet away with his hands folded on his stomach.

The two laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to the overly loud music and the laughing coming from downstairs. They two sat in silence until they heard their names being called.

When they reached the living room, only 11 other people were there. The after party consisted of Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaestus, Zeus, Hermes, Apollo, Perseus, Jake, Lukas, Mason, Sandra, Delilah (Sandra's best friend), and Winnifred (Sandra's other best friend) were all still there.

"How about we play a game?" Jake asked. Everybody agreed and raced to sit on the 3 and a half couches.

Ares and Hephaestus sat on either side of Aphrodite on one dark red leather couch, with Delilah sitting on Ares's other side. Zeus, Hades, Lukas and Winnifred sat on another identical couch. Jake, Sandra, Mason and Hermes sat on the last couch, forcing Apollo and Perseus to sit on the two cushioned couch.

After little discussion, the group voted to play 7 Minutes in Heaven. Jake retrieved an empty beer bottle from the kitchen and laid it on the table. "Who wants to go first?" He questioned after revising how the game works.

"I will," Ares smirked. He spun the bottle and froze when the neck decided to land on Hephaestus. "Damn." Everybody laughed as they knew the tension between the two. Percy, however was chuckling for another reason.

While the two former gods were locked in the closet, the rest lounged around, talking and drinking. Percy sat quietly, his knees drawn to his chest as he looked down at his sleeves hands. He silently listened to each person's conversation while straining to hear the conversation from the closet, he could only hear muffled shouting.

When the time was up, Lukas snuck up to the door as to not alert the boys that the time was up and whipped the door open. He stepped out of the way so everybody could see the bloody noses and red cheeks.

Six pairs later, and it was Apollo's turn. He spun the bottle only for it to land on the boy sitting next to him. Both boys' eyes widened.

Aphrodite grinned and pushed them towards the dark closet. They heard the click of the lock and stood there awkwardly. It was so dark the only thing they could see were each other's outlines.

"Percy?" Perseus let out a faint hum to let Apollo know he's listening. Apollo suddenly grew more nervous although he knew exactly what to say. "You... uh, you should keep your hood down more often."

Perseus's eyebrows furrowed, "but my scars... and my eye..."

"Doesn't matter what you look like, Percy. You are... You shouldn't care what other people think just because they don't know what you've done. You've done amazing things and you shouldn't let people who don't know determine you based on your looks." Apollo hesitated after almost saying 'You are beautiful, scars and all.' Cheesy, but true.

Why was he all of a sudden attracted to his cousin? That sounds weird... Let's rephrase: Why was he all of a sudden attracted to a broken boy who saved the world once or twice? And why did he want to fix him so bad? Was it because he is the only option? No, there's many girls at his school to flirt with! Another question... since when was Apollo Bisexual? It seemed to pop up randomly after however many years.

Apollo would probably never admit it but when he saw Perseus helping his half-sisters, Artemis and Thalia (and not getting shot), it warmed his heart. He had known instantly that this boy would be known for more than just the Great Prop–

"Um... Apollo?" He jerked out of his thoughts to see he was mere inches from Percy's face. His face lit up a bright scarlet to match Perseus's.

"S-sorry..." he took a step back.

Perseus panicked internally for a moment before deciding to do something that would change both of the boys' lives.

Perseus kissed Apollo.

A/N- Sorry for not updating for a while. I recently got into Eddsworld and I've been busy with that. 😆
Hope you have a nice day!

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