Chap 7

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Not only that but most of them were for Helpless!!! Thank you so much!! Especially to all those who commented (and not just when they wanted an update ;)).

Sorry for the tiny chapter!

After spending the night in the field of flowers, the two got back in the stolen vehicle and drove back to town. As they were driving, Perseus realized something.

What will Gabe do?

Sure, he's been late but never ever has he not come back. Percy's eyes widened and then he came to a conclusion.

He. Doesn't. Care.

Perseus doesn't care. Not anymore. Next time he sees Gabe, things aren't gonna be pretty. He's finally realized that he doesn't have to let Gabe hurt him. He can break free.


The two teenagers arrived back at the apartment to find almost all the gods and goddesses have reverted back to their usual forms. Artemis and Hestia changed back into their child forms; Apollo, Hades, Aphrodite, Ares and Hephaestus stayed teenagers; and everyone else went back to their adult forms.

"I have an announcement!" Hestia stood on a chair to make herself look taller. All the excited voices settled down to let her speak. "I have another note! This 'C' person has spoken again. The note reads:

You have done well, Olympians. You have completed your tasks. Unfortunately, there is a new great prophecy.
PS: My apologies, Perseus.

Hestia folded the note and placed it back in her pocket.

"This guy personally called me out. Should I be worried?" The boy with a flower crown asked sarcastically, crossing his arms with a raised brow.

A few of the gods in the semi-circle glanced at his annoyed expression.

"So what do we do?" Zeus asked. The corner of Perseus's mouth twitched as he silently noted that Zeus, king of the gods, used the word 'we'. Seems like this break really paid off.

With the Olympians shouting over one and another, Perseus sighed. He picked up the wooden chair that Hestia once stood upon and swung it against the wall, breaking it into a million pieces. That gained the attention of the gods and goddesses.

The flower-crowned boy turned to them with a determined look. "We all know you cannot help directly once the prophecy is issued. But for now, we should get to Camp."

"And consult Rachel!" Apollo added to the confusion of the other gods, "Er, the Oracle."

Reluctantly, they agreed (though it was hard as the person giving them orders was wearing a flower crown) and the group of fifteen set out, walking down the sidewalk. "We need a car or—" Perseus stopped in his tracks. He facepalmed and turned to the chattering gods. "Can't we just flash there?"

And that's what they did.

Imagine the shock of being a demigod, going about your normal business when BOOM, your godly parent, the rest of the Olympians and Percy Jackson showed up out of nowhere.

As soon as they got there, Perseus started towards the Big House, calling for Chiron. He entered the house, slamming the door open.

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