Chap 6

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A/N- I'm terribly sorry I haven't updated. My math and science teachers give me homework which, with my short attention span, takes me four-five hours usually. AND exams are coming up. Ugh.


Have fun reading OOC Percy!

"I want to show you something."

Apollo glanced down at the raven-haired boy, "what is it?"

"I'm not telling, just follow me," with that, the shorter teen started jogging. "Well?" Apollo half-shrugged and joined him.

The two jogged up to a sky blue car, unusual but not bad. Percy opened the door with ease and slid in. "Percy... you don't own a car..."

"I know. Get in."

"But Percy-"

"Just... trust me. You can do that, right?" Perseus looked up at the sun-kissed male with his seagreen eyes.

Entranced, Apollo nodded slightly and got into the car. Percy took out a screwdriver and quickly unscrewed the latch to hold all the wires. Next, he untangled them and found the right wires to hotwire. Once he finished with that, he revved the car and gave Apollo his trademark troublemaker smile.

"Ready?" He asked the flabbergasted former god.

"How did... Where did you learn how to steal a car?!"

Perseus shrugged, "You end up researching a lot of random things when you're locked in your room all day." The car moved and soon, they were on their way.

An hour later, the two males exited the stolen vehicle. Perseus had parked on the side of an abandoned road, a lively forest on either side. Apollo shook his legs awake and ran up to Percy, groaning the whole way.

Perseus laughed, "what's with the complaints?"

"My legs are tiiiiingly!" The sun-kissed teen stomped his foot before yelping. "Why did I do that?" He whimpered, Percy tilted his head back and laughed. "It's not funny!"

The raven-haired boy snickered, "yeah, it is.." Apollo rolled his eyes and stuffed his hands in his pockets, scowling all the while. "C'mon!" Perseus jogged towards a clearing.

"What are w-"

"Can you just shut your mouth and enjoy the sunshine?" Percy shoved his hands in his hoodie's pocket. "It'll be dark soon." Apollo shut up after that, he followed the shorter boy up a small hill in the middle of the clearing. "We're here," Perseus announced, presenting the golden and purple field. Flowers sprouted up in every which way, giving the affect of a painting.

"This is... surreal... How did you find this place?" The former sun god turned to the son of the Sea.

Perseus answered, gazing out at the swirling colours, "I saw it in a dream. " The short answer set him on edge but he had to admit, it was beautiful. When Apollo glanced towards Percy, he found him not there. He spun to find the boy on a grassy spot, staring at the slightly darker sky.

The taller teen plopped down in front of him and picked a few flowers. After a few minutes of silence, Apollo broke it, "Perce." The other boy let out a hum. "Here," Percy sat up and stared at the flowers in Apollo's hands. The purple and gold flowers were woven together in a simple pattern but it was beautiful, nonetheless. How Apollo managed to make a flower crown so quickly beat him. The golden haired boy gently placed the crown on the other boy's head. As soon as the crown touched his hair, Perseus covered his face, hiding the bushing mess. "You don't like it?"

"I-it's not that. I love it! I.."

"You what?" Percy flinched when Apollo took hold of his hands and pulled them away from his face. He chuckled and kissed the back of one of his hands, "you are adorable." This, of course, made Percy blush even more. He scowled slightly and found a lonely flower to glare at. Apollo threw his head back and laughed.

The used-to-be god let go of one of the raven-haired boy's hands and used the boy's chin to tilt his head. Apollo leaned closer until the two could feel each other's hot breaths on their lips. Perseus, however hesitant he was, still closed the gap and placed his lips on Apollo's.

Apollo pulled the boy closer, closing the space between them. The only thing that separates them was the need to breathe. Apollo grinned and laid back on the grass, pulling Percy down with him. Perseus yelped in surprise but soon snuggled into the taller boy's side.

The two stared at the stars that slowly appeared, one after the other, in the deep blue sky. Soon enough, Percy heard nothing but snores.

The raven-haired boy glanced up at Apollo's face, he reached up a hand and lightly traced the boy's lips. He couldn't believe it. This boy, god, liked him. It was surreal. A dream.

With those last thoughts, Perseus drifted into the first blissful sleep in a while with nothing but a smile on his face.


Apollo woke to a bright light. He groaned and threw a hand over his eyes. Even the god of the sun was sensitive in the morning. He blinked the sleep away from his eyes and attempted to sit. He quickly realized where he was and who was clinging onto him. The gold haired teen turned pink at the realization.

He carefully sat up, maneuvering Perseus to make his head lay in Apollo's lap. He played with Percy's hair and looked around. Now that it was day, the place seemed much more lively.

He sighed and placed a hand on the ground. Apollo jerked his hand back in surprise. He examined the small cut a stick gave him and watched it close on its own.

"I..." Realization struck him. "PERCY! PERCY!" He shook the boy awake.

Seagreen eyes opened and looked at the boy hovering over him. "Wha-?" He covered his mouth in a yawn.

"I'm a god again!!"

Perseus froze. Apollo was a god. That means... that means he's immortal and if he's immortal... they can't be together. His heart ached at the thought, yet, he pushed through the flash pain and smiled.

"That's great!"

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