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"The King of Dragons?" Fishlegs gasped as the twins stared up, jaws dropping.

"That..." Ruff began.

"" Tuff continued, eyes like saucers.

"AWESOME!" they finished together. Snotlout cocked an eyebrow.

"I'd like to see you train that," he commented. Hiccup blinked as Heather grinned.

"Dad was here!" she repeated. "We're close. I can feel it! This time, we'll definitely find him..." Dagur stared at her and then suddenly looked shocked...and then self-conscious. He backed away, giving a fake laugh.

"Ah...I hadn't thought of that...I hadn't thought of that at all..." he mumbled as Hiccup walked past him towards the gaping mouth of the skull.

"Come on," he said with his usual fearlessness. "You wanna help us out, bud?" Toothless opened his mouth and gave his 'special' sonic roar, the sound bouncing back and forth from the walls. Listening carefully, Hiccup peers into the darkness and nods. "Sounds stable enough," he commented and threw himself into the saddle. "Let's go!" And he launched into the cave formed by the dead dragon's mouth, the others scrambling to follow their leader. Every few second, Toothless would unleash his special sonic roar, outlining the unseen way ahead so they could fly deep into the fossilised corpse of the dragon, following the tunnel beneath the creature's spine. Hiccup felt his heart flying with the thrill of adventure, of discovery, of uncovering a new dragon and, surprisingly, Fishlegs on Meatlug were speeding along at his side, as excited as he was. Heather was next, no less thrilled at the prospect of finding her scarcely-remembered father. Following the twins and Snotlout, Dagur was hanging back and bringing up the rear, suddenly far less than enthusiastic—but more than made up for by the others, who were all really excited.

"Whatever this dragon was, it was bigger than the Red Death!" Hiccup said in an awed voice. Toothless gave a small concurring warble.

"And its been here for a very, very long time..." Fishlegs added thoughtfully as Meatlug bravely followed the Night Fury. Snotlout was already grumbling as Dagur just glared around suspiciously, his senses on edge...and then they burst out into the open, into a pretty and secluded wooded valley-just as a sleek purple shape whisked past them through the trees. Fishlegs was jittery with excitement and Heather reached over and briefly patted his shoulder to calm him.

"We're close...I can feel it!' he exclaimed as they landed and dismounted...but they immediately found their way blocked by an agitated Toothless, who wouldn't leave the cover of the trees, refusing and growling, obviously on edge. Suddenly tense, Hiccup leaned close to his dragon: all his experiences had taught him to listen to the Night Fury and he didn't want to put anyone in danger now they seemed to be so close.

"What is it, bud?" Hiccup asked in a low voice. Ears flattened back, the Night Fury gives a small growl and his head snaps round, glaring at the little copse.

...and then half a dozen unknown ugly purple dragon swooped out of the trees and roared, then dived down at them. Instantly Toothless blasted at one while Sleuther and Meatlug backed away and Windshear aimed a volley of spines at them, roaring in anger. The purple dragons landed and instantly spat a handful of teeth at them. Just in time, Meatlug spun, tipping Fishlegs to the ground, safe-but as he glanced at the tree by his head-his eyes growing round in recognition. Barf'n'Belch bounded backwards and Hookfang roared and flamed on as Snotlout glanced up from behind the rock he had been thrown behind.

"Hiccup! these are the same teeth we found earlier! These dragons aren't sick!" the husky rider said in a shocked voice. There was a pause.

"No-they're hunting..." Hiccup said in a grim voice.

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