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1 October, 2018.

I am standing in the balcony, drinking coffee and enjoying the view. The sun touching tall buildings, people cursing the day, vehicles rushing  back and forth on the streets and the annoying noise of Tim - my neighbors son- crying. I looked at myself, I looked at my left arm and my heart filled with tears. Three months ago I had an accident and I injured the nerves on my left hand. Now, whenever I try to hold something on that hand, it starts shaking. I consulted doctors but, they said, there's no cure for it and I need to spend the rest of my life with a shaky hand.
After finishing the last sip from the mug, I tried to hold the cup in my left hand but, I couldn't. It started shaking. I tried to control but, in the end I gave up. I kept the mug on the table, beside my bed. I took a shower, ate an apple and put on a blue cotton shirt with thin white straps and a dark grey pant. I looked at the time and it was already 8:15 am. I quickly grabbed my cellphone and the keys and left for the job.
I work in the Mint City police department. I have been working there for the past 5 years and I enjoy it. I love to solve mysteries and deal with crime. Every day is a challenge and my job gives me a reason to get drunk and forget my pain.
I reached the railway station, I usually catch the 8:30 am train that passes through Clofer State, it's a long route, it takes almost an hour to reach Mint city but, I enjoy it. I love traveling by train, I love talking with people, making friends. I have few friends, commuters, whom I have met only in the train.
As I was late today, I missed my train and I had to travel through the 8:45am train that passes through the
Detroit Jr. - the crime city.

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