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27 October, 2018

I wake up early this morning so, I decided to sit and watch something on television to kill time. I sit on the sofa with a cup of coffee in my hand. I switched on the television. I was randomly changing channels but, all of a sudden, an image of a girl attracted me, it drew my attention. I never watch news, it is always boring but today, when I see her photo, I feel something interesting.

I was listening to the news about her. The reporter said -
Megan, 29 years old and Emily, 2 years old were found dead this morning in their house. Maxwell, 31 years old-Megan's husband, was out last night after having an argument with Megan. When asked about the argument, he remained silent.

I changed the channel. I was looking for some other channel that would explain things properly. The local news channel was covering the same incident, Megan's murder. The reporter has a good voice, Morgan freeman kind of voice so, I keep the TV remote on the sofa and start to pay attention to what he said.

The reporter said -
Megan and Emily were found dead in thier house this morning. Emily was beheaded and the head was found in the kitchen sink. Maxwell spent in the might in the restaurant owned by him after having having a fight with Megan. As per him, Emily's body was lying above, on the chest of Megan. Their body were lying like a cross.
We had few words with the investigating officer Detective Inspector Mr. Scott Langbern.

Mr. Langbern said -

Maxwell saw it first and informed about it to us. He had moved the body so, I'm afraid that he have, by mistake, erased the few evidences that could help us move further.

I switch of the television. I can't bare the shit talks of Langbern.
I said looking at the television 'You, man with an ugly name. What are you expecting from a man, who saw his wife and daughter dead when he came back home? '

I stand up and starts walking towards the kitchen but then, I see the clock which shows almost two minutes for nine. I put my head down realizing that I'll be late again today. I didn't do my breakfast and rushed out of my house to the railway station. I was lucky I reached my office, not too late. I was starving, I feel my empty stomach, I feel the water drops touching my intestine, when I drink water to end the my hunger. I spent half of the day lying on my desk like a zombie, zero productivity.

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