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15 November, 2018

Eight Murders and still no clue. Cops are still searching for the murderer and my work is on a dead end. I don't know what to do next, I talked to the families of the victims. I got few information from them but, if I couldn't find something more interesting and appealing, this article won't make it to the issue.

Today I took a day off. Smith and Sarah are coming for dinner. Oliver is still at work and he didn't came home yesterday. I'm on my own now, I have a lot of work to do. I need to clean the house, prepare some food for them and take a shower.


Scott and Sarah came home by seven. Sarah and I were sitting in the living room, watching television and gossiping about life. Scott and Oliver went upstairs, in the bedroom. They were having their usual boring talks, job discussions.
After few minutes, they came downstairs. We had the dinner. Scott and Sarah loved the food, it made me happy. After having few hours of talk and finishing two vine bottles, Scott and Sarah left the house. But, when they were leaving, Oliver went upstairs and came back with a small bag. He gave that bag to Scott. They both looked at each other and shared a weird look.

After they left, I asked Oliver about the bag he gave to Scott. He said it was some case files he took from him for reference.

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