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10 November, 2018

Oliver and I went Upstate, to meet Aayeaha and Sharun's parents. We talked to Sharun's neighbors. When I met Aayesha's neighbor, I found that Oliver was in a relationship with her. Aayesha and Sharun were dead months ago so, talking to their parents and neighbors didn't help us. But, when looked at the photo's of their body lying on the floor like two 'I' s', it became more obvious that the killer is numbering it's victims. Since their bodies were not piled up on one another, they count be number two.
So, Smith was one, Megan ten, Ranjith six or four and Aayesha two.

I received a message from MCPD.

Murder again. Jefferson and family were found dead in his office.                                                                  address :- JD designs, Springfield (west)

Oliver and I went to Springfield, we searched the office and their house for evidences. When I checked Jefferson's phone, I saw text messages he sent to Chloe Clarkson. After further investigation, we found that, Jefferson was having an affair with Chloe.

After spending the whole morning in Springfield, I came back to my office. I was sitting in my cabin, browsing on the internet. I was searching for serial killers and the murder patterns, then suddenly, a pop-up add appeared on the screen. The add was of Alto & Co., the firm were Smith used to work.
I kept staring at the ad, my mind projected an image of a man, covered his face with a black cloth running towards me. As the man came closer and closer, I got scared and pushed myself away from the desk.

'If I could predict the future, I can arrest the killer, all I need to do, is to know the pattern.' I said to myself, taking a sip of water.

'Adultery is not committed by one person, there are two. If the killer punishes one, he'll definitely punish the other.'  This thought got stuck inside my mind. If I believe it, if my belief is true then, the next victim could be either Mia, Jennifer and Chloe.

I called two officers into my cabin and assigned them a job. I told them to keep an eye on Mia and Jennifer and, report to me, if they find anything strange.

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