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I followed Jennifer to the railway station but, she ran into the crowd and I missed her. I waited there for few minutes, looked for her but, she was gone.

12 November, 2018

I went Upstate, to meet Aayesha and Sharun's parents. I used my relationship with Oliver, to get answers from them.
First I met Aayesha's parents. During the conversation, they told me about Aayesha's affair with Oliver but, I ignored it. It was months ago and Oliver had already moved on so, that doesn't concern me. I mean, even if he was cheating on me, I won't care because, Aayesha is dead.

'According to the cops, all these murders are done by one person and the killer shares a close relation with the victims. So, do you know any of these people?'
I asked, keeping photo's of the victims in front of Aayesha's parents.

They looked at the photo's.

'Yeah, I know him. I met him with Aayesha once.'  said Aayesha's mother, holding Ranjith' s photo in her hand.

Later that day, I met Sharun's parents, asked them the same questions that I asked to Aayesha's parents. But, I couldn't get anything from them.

At noon, I went to meet Ranjith's parents. We had a hour long conversation. They shared with me few things, which they didn't tell the cops. They said Ranjith's wife knew about his affair with Mia and she was really stressed. Sometimes at night, during arguments, Ranjith used to beat her. They also said, Ranjith's wife was a patient of Dr. Siddique.

I came back home at night. Oliver was  already here, he was waiting for me. He was dressed up and wanted to go out with me for dinner but, I refused. I was exhausted, I had a tiring day and all I wanted was a good sleep. I went to the bedroom and jumped down on the bed, Oliver put on his night suit and sat besides me in the bed.

'I'm going  New York tomorrow. I hope this time Scott will come.'  said Oliver, brushing my hair.

'I hope this time Scott will come.'  echoed inside my head.

'So last time he didn't come with you?'
I asked.

'Yeah. He didn't. It was his wife's birthday so, he said he want to stay at home with her. '  Oliver replied.

After hearing those words from him, my eyes filled with tears. I thought Oliver was cheating on me but, he wasn't. I was ignoring him and all that's because of my overthinking.

I kissed Oliver on the lips, he hugged me tightly. I could feel his warm breath over my face. His tight hug, kisses expressed how much he loves me.

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