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7 NOVEMBER, 2018

I was in my office, going through the photographs of Megan, Emily, Scott, Ranjith and others.While I was looking at the photographs, I saw something strange. The dead bodies are lying on the floor like an 'X', 'I' and 'V'. At first, I thought they were letters but now, they appear to me as numbers, roman numerals. The killer is numbering it's preys. Megan was tenth, Scott first and Rangith could either be six or four. I know, it was just an assumption but, I didn't wanted to miss a single chance of arresting that killer. 

I was calling Scott to share my findings with him but, before I complete dialing his number, he called me. He shared his findings with me, in one breath and cancelled the call before I could say anything. I dialed back and told him about what I found. He agreed with me, he said that could be a possibility and cancelled the call.

After talking with Scott, I was sitting in my chair, looking at the ceiling when I remembered   about Riley. She mentioned to us about a similar murder that happened a month before  Smith and his family's death. She didn't knew much about it so, I had to go to the library and collect more information about it. I spent hours in the library, reading every newspaper article and finally found what I was searching for. 

-Sharun (husband), 30 years old and Aayesha (wife), 29 years old  were found dead in their apartment. They were  lying on the floor, in a straight position, with their bodies  close to each other.-

When I looked at the photographs, all I could see was a roman numeral two. Aayesha was the second victim. And, after reading the article about Sharun and Aayesha, it almost became clear that, the killer is punishing the families of the people who had committed adultery.

I phone called Scott to tell him about Aayesha and Sharun. And after listening to it, we both decided to go to Upstate and collect more information about them.   


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