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8 November, 2018

Oliver and I went to Scott's home for dinner. He has a small, beautiful house with a lawn around it. It looks like an island between a green sea. Sarah, Scott's wife welcomed us into their house. There were five photo frames with Scott and his family's photo, on the wall of the living room. They have two daughters, Rihanna and Chloe, both are married and live in England.

We sat around the dinning table, enjoying a tasty meal prepared by Sarah. On the dinning table, Scott and Oliver were talking about the case while Sarah and I were smiling at them. After the dinner, Scott and Oliver went out, in the lawn. They were walking around, talking about the case.

I went to the kitchen, to talk to Sarah. While I walked in, I saw a beautiful mermaid sculpture kept on top of the refrigerator. I couldn't take my eyes off it, it looked amazing.

'Scott gifted this to me on my birthday.' said Sarah, pouring wine in the glass.

She pushed the wine glass towards me, I took it. I hold it in my left hand, took a sip of it.

'It was the first time in ages, when he took a half day off to celebrate my birthday.' she continued 'He must have thought that I was feeling lonely after our daughters had moved to England.'

I was looking at her. She looked at Scott through the slides and smiled. Then she poured wine into her half empty glass and took a sip.

'Does Oliver talk to you about the case? ' she asked.

Before I could answer, she continued 'Scott always does that. He discusses about it with me.'

For a moment, I felt jealous. Scott loves Sarah a lot and that's the reason why he talks to her about his cases and I don't even know much about what Oliver is working on in MCPD.

'This Tuesday, he surprised me. It was my birthday and he came home early....' Sarah said.

Sarah was continously talking but, I couldn't listen to it. I got stuck between the first sentence she told me. She said Scott came home early on Tuesday. But, that day, Oliver told me that he was going to New York with Scott.


Oliver and I came home. I was in the bedroom changing my dress when, Oliver came behind me. He put his arms around my waist and kissed on the back of my neck. He turned me around and started to kiss me on my lips. I didn't want to kiss him but, I couldn't refuse him. My mind was still stuck between the words Sarah told - Tuesday, Scott and half day off.
He pushed me down on to the bed and jumped on me, hugging me and kissing me, we both hid inside the blanket.

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