Why? (Part 1)

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Doctor Glassman has never been an avid magzine reader except a few medical ones. But today he got up before his alarm went off, so that he can go to a book store before his way to the hospital, to pick up the local magzine.


When he finally reached the hospital, he quickly went to his office and opened the magzine to find the right page. There it was;

'The Mass Murders.- Emily Harrison.'

He read through the article as fast as he could until he finally reached the right name. "Lea Dilallo, an automotive engineer who works in the firm, told us about how her close friend Doctor Shaun Murphy, who was a surgical resident at St. Bonaventure Hospital, got murdered. "I had called him several times because he was late from work. Still he didn't pick up, then the next thing I know that it was early in the morning when I got a call that they had found his body, since mine was the last number on his call list." Dilallo said. The killer, like he did with all his other victims, murdered Doctor Murphy by giving him electric shocks several times."
The article read. Dr. Glassman remembered each and every detail of that morning. The call from Lea, her broken voice, how Doctor Melendez has seen electricity burn marks on Shaun's pale body.
His world came crashing down all at once when he had seen Shaun's dead body. He couldn't believe that something like this could ever happen to a young simple boy, his boy. He remembered how he had controlled his tears, how he had met Claire's swollen red eyes, still didn't say anything and when he had reached his place he finally let down his guard and let himself cry.

And then there was Lea. He knew something was going on between Shaun and his former neighbour. He was just waiting for Shaun to tell him everything. He remembered when he had seen Lea at the hospital, how she had placed herself on the chair beside where Shaun's dead body layed and didn't move until hours later when Claire saw her shivering from cold and told her to go back home. Lea had replied, "My home is no more" all expressionless. She didn't even shed a single tear. He had heard that after a week of Shaun's murder, Lea had joined an NGO which helped the autistic people all around the world.

"Doctor Glassman" a soft voice called for him, and when he looked up he found Claire standing at the door of his office.

"Come in, Claire" he said.

Claire walked towards his desk and handed him a folder, "here are the reports you asked me for." Glassman opened the folder and started reading the sheets of paper it contained.

"Lea is here"

To be continued.

Hold My Hand.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ