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'Lea has been taking advantage of my photography skills lately.' Shaun typed the caption under the fake candid picture of lea he took a day before. When he posted the picture he somehow sensed that Lea is going to say something about it. And exactly two minutes later, Lea commented 'Well you are my boyfriend, soooo I will take advantage.....of your photography skills of course.' Shaun smiled and looked at the picture again. Well even if it was a fake candid, he loved it. Lea looked herself in that picture. All lost in having fun, not caring about the world. "Shaun, you do photography too?" Claire asked, looking surprised at her own phone screen. "Oh my god that's such a good pic you took of Lea". "Thank you, Claire" he smiled again, and walked with her to have some lunch in the hospital's cafeteria. He was just having fun, laughing at something Claire told him, when his phone beeped. 'Leadilallo tagged you in their post.' The notification read.

Shaun quickly opened it, and found out what Lea had posted. It was a picture of him, laughing, in his scrubs. But he didn't remember Lea taking a picture of him like that. Then he read the caption. It read 'Look who I found in the hospital! ;)' And he looked around for her until his eyes fell on the table, at the other side of the cafeteria. There she was, smiling brighly at him, he smiled back.

Then quickly commented on her post, 'When your girlfriend gets some of your photography skills'
And looked back at her, still smiling.

Claire couldn't help but smile too at this cuteness .

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