More Apples.

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"Shaun, I've already taken six apples." Lea said when she saw Shaun going towards the fruit counter.

"I'll take more" Shaun said, already walking towards the place where apples were kept.

Sighing, Lea walked after him.

When Shaun was about to pick an apple, Lea spoke up again "Shaun, is Doctor Glassman alright now?"

Shaun's hand froze, just when he had reached out for another apple.

"How do you know about Doctor Glassman?" He asked, standing straight, forgetting the apples for the moment.

"I came to know about him from Claire." Lea said.

"Yes, he is alright." Shaun looked at Lea for a second, before moving his eyes at the space beside her.

After sharing a moment of silence, both of them started walking towards the billing counter.

"I am sorry Shaun" Lea looked at him while walking.

"For what Lea?" He replied, without looking at her.

"To be so hard on you even when you were going through all that." Lea softened her voice.

"It's okay, Lea. You made me realize my mistake." Shaun looked at her briefly, before they both reached the billing counter.

"Shaun, can you promise me one though?" Lea looked at him while he was keeping all the stuff on the counter.

He again looked at her but didn't say anything.

"Will you tell me if something like this happens again?" She kept looking at him, and he looked at the space beside her, interlocked his fingers together.

"Okay." He finally answered.

Lea gave him a soft smile and nodded slightly, "Okay"

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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