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3 years ago

Sichengs days consisted of the same thing. Waking up, going to school, coming home, goin to sleep, and repeating it all the next day. Everyday was blank and nothing exciting happened. Until he came to Korea.

Yuta was a new foreigner who had came to Korea a month into school. He was mysterious and to himself, and every girl loved it.

But Sicheng loved it too. He immediately fell for him the moment he first saw him enter the class with his lazy expression that never seemed to leave his face.

Everyday he only learned to love him more. and. more.

Present time

Sicheng groaned as his alarm went off. His first day of sophomore year, and he was no where near excited.

His first days were always gonna be the same. A nice home made breakfast that he'll never have again after today, all his teachers talking about rules that never change, and watching everyone reunite with their friends and talk about their summer.

No where in the day was Sicheng ever excited... except when he got to see Yuta.

Having a crush on the same boy since he was thirteen took a huge toll on his life. His world seem to warp around the Japanese boy... which was totally find with him.

After dealing with a long lecture on how the first day was important, Sicheng waved by to his mother and started walking to school.

After what seemed like five minutes, Sicheng was caught by surprise when he felt someone jump on his back. Of course it was Kun.

"Oh Hello Sicheng" Kun said, "School is back on. You know what that means?".

"Test, test, more test....and Yuta" Sicheng said softly, smiling at the thought of seeing him.

Kun chuckled, "Right, the boy you've been crushing on for ages. Tell me, have you guys ever talked?".

Sicheng shook his head.

"And does he know you exist?" Kun asked, getting of the other Chinese boys back.

Again, Sicheng shook his head.

"And don't you guys live two blocks way from each other?" Kun questioned.

"Yes.." Sicheng nodded softly.

"So you guys live near each other and go to the same school, but never talk? Why is that" Kun questioned,  throwing his arm around Sicheng.

Sicheng sighed, "We've been through this. He's very anti-social and I'm very... anti-talking to Yuta".

"Same excuse every year. I ask you the same question and you give me the same excuse" Kun patted his shoulder, "Talk to him".

Sicheng watched Kun walk away and sighed. "Fine, I will".


Yuta sat by his locker on his phone. He watched the students walk pass, laughing about the many things they did over summer.

Yutas summer was plain though. He just worked with his dad at a construction sight. Everyday.

It was his dad's idea. When Yuta become 18 his dad wanted him to own the construction center. It was family business. Tradition you could say.

Yuta didn't care for tradition though. He didn't care about construction. It was no where near his interest. Only thing in his interest was dancing.

Yea, dancing. It's the only thing that kept Yuta sane at times. It was form of art he learned to love over the years.

When he first moved to Korea it was hard for him to adjust to the difference, so he joined a dancing class. Dancing was what kept him tied to his life back in Japan.

When the first bell rang Yuta got up and dragged himself into the math room.


Sicheng made it to class before he was too late. He looked around and noticed an empty seat next to Yuta.

Here goes nothing.

He walked over to the chair and sat down, smiling at Yuta. "Hi".

The Japanese blonde glanced over before looking away.

"I'm Sicheng".

Yuta rolled his eyes, "And I don't care, and that seat is taken".

"By who?" From Sichengs understanding, Yuta had no friends.

"Anyone but you" Yuta had a clear attitude.

Sicheng took that as a sign for him to leave. He got up and walked over to a seat on the opposite side of the room.

"Okay class, welcome back to school" Mr.Byun said as he walked into the room. "I hope you guys are ready to learn".

Yuta sighed and looked over at Sicheng. Maybe he was a bit rude.

Sicheng was looking down at the table when he felt a presence next to him. He looked over and saw a brown hair boy.

"The names Johnny" The boy said, feeling Sichengs gaze.

Sicheng nodded, "I'm Sicheng. Why are you sitting here?".

Johnny looked at him, "Because I know no one in here. So you're stuck with me now".

Sicheng didn't bother to respond, he just looked out the window and sighed.


When class was finally over Sicheng packed up his things and made it out the room.

He walked down to the cafeteria and looked around until he found Kun.

"Class, waa boring" Kun said when Sicheng finally arrived.

Sicheng gave a 'same' look before sitting down.

Kun opened his water and took a sip, "Did you talk to Yuta?"

"I tried, but he just blew me off. I never realized how rude he could be" Sicheng laid his head on his palm.

"Almost everyone knew, you my friend are just blind" Kun patted his shoulder. "Besides.. he's not that cute anyways. No need to get worked up over a boy".

But in Sichengs mind, Yuta was the cutest thing ever. Yeah he could be a bit cold hearted, but he was also very smart.

Kun snapped his fingers, "Earth to Sicheng".

Sicheng snapped out of his thoughts, "Hm".

"I said you better go get your lunch before we have to go to our next class".

Sicheng got up and walked over to the line.

One by one, he placed food on his tray before paying for it all. He gave a soft smile to the lunch lady before turning around.

As he turned he bumped into someone, spilling his tray all over him and the person.

"Oh, what the hell!" Sicheng groaned picking up the empty tray. "I am just invisible!".

The person scoffed, "You were the one not paying attention".

"Listen here" Sicheng looked up at the person and was taken back. It was Yuta.

"Oh it's just you" Yuta sighed and picked up everything Sicheng dropped. "I'd be more careful". He threw it in the trash before walking away.

Sicheng looked at Kun who was laughing before looking down at his shirt that now had many stains on it. "What a great first day".

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