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Yuta's mom shook him, "Get up!".

Yuta rubbed his eyes, "Im up jeez".

Mrs. Nakamoto smiled, "Good,chop chop. Go get dress".

Yuta rolled out of bed and landed on the floor before crawling to the bathroom.

"Yuta get up" His mom sighed at the second hand embarrassment.

He slowly got up and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, the cold water hitting him. "Mom! Why is the water so cold!".

Mrs.Nakamoto ignored him and went down the stairs.



"Kun!" Sicheng hopped down the last three stairs.

"That's my name, don't wear it out" Kun chuckled and walked towards Sicheng. "You still doing your project after school?".

"Yeah. Me and Yuta are getting closer" Sicheng had a huge smile on his face.

Kun smiled, "That's good then. What are you going to tell Johnny though?".

"What do you mean?"

"He clearly likes you idiot" Kun said blankly.

Sicheng shook his head, "He has a boyfriend".

"And?" Kun gripped onto the straps of his bookbag and pushed back his brown locks. "I'm just saying. No boy would be so worked up on you ditching them if they don't like you".

Sicheng crossed his arms, "I'll just go talk to him" He marched off to class.


"Johnny!" Sicheng sat next to said boy.

Sicheng raised an eyebrow when Johnny didn't say anything. "Um.. Hello".

Still... no response.

Johnny looked at him, "Yes..?".

Sicheng nudged him, "You're not still mad about yesterday are you?".

"Not at all" Johnny closed his book and got up.

"Where are you going?" Sicheng questioned.

Johnny grabbed his bag, "I told Jungwoo I would sit next to him to finish our project... So I'm gonna actually do it.. besides, looks like Yuta arrived".

Sicheng saw Yuta enter the door, coming over to him. "We're not talking about this" He said to Johnny before looking at Yuta.

Yuta smiled and sat next to him, lifting up to pieces of paper. "Trouble in paradise?".

"Don't ask. Whats this?" Sicheng asked.

"Concert tickets. I go every year alone but my mom insisted on me bringing a friend" Yuta said, giving one to Sicheng.

Sicheng smiled lightly, "So know we're friends?".

Yuta shook his head, "No.. You're just someome I can tolerate".

"So a friend?".

"Sure. If that will make you happy" Yuta said out of defeat. He looked at Sicheng who was smiling brightly.. and boy was it a pretty smile.

"Yuta.. you okay?" Sicheng snapped his fingers in the japanese boys face.

Yuta snapped out of his thoughts. He nodded before looking back at his work.

"Okay class.. free day"

Everyone cheered at Mr.Byuns words.

Yuta grabbed his phone and scrolled through instagram. Sicheng peeked over and looked at Yuta's phone. Yuta scoffed, "Noisy much".

"Just curious" Sicheng backed away. "Sorry..".

Yuta hummed before looking back at his phone once again.

Sicheng opened one of his notebooks and started doodling in it. Sicheng lightly outlined the shape of a head.

"You're quite the artist, aren't you?" Yuta asked, scanning Sichengs page.

A smiling Sicheng continued to draw, making an outline of a body.

Yuta was amazed. He never met anyone who drew as well as the Chinese male did. It seemed so natural to him and Yuta adored it.

"So... is there any hobby you like?" Sicheng looked up at Yuta.

"Dancing" Yuta responded.

Sicheng raised both eyebrows surprised, "Dancing? Didn't think you would be into dancing".

Yuta chuckled, "Guess I'm full of surprises".

Sicheng laid his head on his hand, "Indeed you are".

"Psst.. Johnny".

Sicheng looked at the door and saw Ten who trying to get his boyfriends attention.

Ten noticed Sicheng looking, "Hey.. could you get Johnny".

Sicheng turned slowly, "Johnny... the demon is here for you".  

Johnny ignored Sicheng.

"Hello, might not want to make him mad. He might get his pitch fork on us" Sicheng said.

"Now is not time to be a smart ass" Johnny looked up and saw Ten. "Oh, what are you doing here?".

"Came to steal you" Ten said softly, trying not to disturb the sleeping teacher.

Johnny smiled and got up, "If the teacher wakes up, tell him him I went to the bathroom".

Sicheng nodded, "Have fun.. be safe".

Yuta chuckled, "Maybe we should leave to".

"I don't think that's a good idea. What if we get caught?" Sicheng asked.

"We can deal with that if it happens" Yuta grabbed the boys arm, pulling him up. "Live a little".

Sicheng couldn't help but want to cave in. If he went, that means more time he could spend with Yuta. Seemed pretty fine.



"See Sicheng... we made it" Yuta sat on the top of the slide.

Sicheng sat on the slide, "Are you sure-"

"I swear Sicheng, I will shove my foot up your ass" Yuta hissed.

The words caused Sicheng to quickly close his mouth. He slowly pushed himself on the swing, all though his long legs often caused him to stop moving.

The atmosphere was pretty dead and they were engulfed by awkward silence.
Yuta slid down the slid and went over to Sicheng.

Sicheng became nervous when he came closer. "So what are we going to do. We could go eat or go to my house. I'm for sure by now class is over so we could maybe just go back or-"

Yuta cut the ranting boy off by lifting his chin up. "You talk alot you know".

Sicheng nodded and gulped nervously, "I know.. I-I do that when I'm nervous".

"Well why are you so nervous?" Yuta asked, his face only a few centimeters away from Sicheng's.

Sicheng couldn't respond. He just stared at Yuta's eyes that seemed to be devouring his soul.

Yuta leaned in closer, "You have nothing to say now? That's surprising".

Sicheng's heart thumped heard in his chest.. he swore he could hear up. Their was only a small bit of space in between the twos lips and Sicheng was tempted to fill in the space.

Yuta smirked and pulled away, "Come on.. I'm hungry". He stood up straight his fixed his now wrinkled shirt.

Sicheng was in shocked. Practically paralysed and unable to move.

"Coming?" Yuta called as he was already exiting the playground area.

Sicheng slowly got up, "Yea.. wait for me".  



Peek A Boo ~Yuwin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now