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Yuta was woken by the sound of a new video playing on his laptop. He rubbed his eyes and paused the video before moving his laptop off his lap and getting up.

"Mom?" Yuta called, going down the stairs.

"She went to the store"

Yuta rolled his eyes at his dad in the kitchen. "When is she coming back?".

Mr.Nakamoto shrugged, "I don't know, but dinner will be ready in five minutes".

"Don't worry about dinner, I'm going out" Yuta grabbed his sneakers.

Yuta's dad turned around, "Where are you going?".

"Doesn't matter. I'll be back soon" Yuta grabbed his keys an exit the house, walking down the three stairs in front of his house and making his way down the street.

"Kun, are you eating candy without me?" Sicheng pouted, sitting next to Kun.

Sicheng grabbed Kuns bag of gummy bears.

Kun tried to take the bag, "Sicheng that's mine".

"Hush, you didn't share" Sicheng popped on in his mouth and put his feet on the table.

Kun mentally cursed at himself before looking at the t.v.

An hour had passed and Sicheng was out of his mind.

"K-Kun... you are so adorable. You know that right" Sicheng chuckled to himself and lifted the almost empty gummy bears. "What was in these? There really good".

"They were... my edibles" Kun said, snatching the bag. "And you ate half of them".

Sichengs eyes widened, "E-Edibles.."

Kun nodded.

Sicheng went into panic mode, "Why do you have edibles?! Kun... do you get high?".

"It's relaxing!" Kun said, "And you need to quiet down. Your mom is upstairs".

Sicheng went into the kitchen and got a glass of water, "Is this how you usually feel..?".

Kun shook his head, "I'm much calmer".

"It's so hot in here... I need to go for a walk" Sicheng went to get his shoes. "Tell my mom.. I went to get dinner".

Kun watched him leave. "You're mom cooked dinner..".


Yuta walked down the streets with his earbuds in, drowning out the sounds of the cars coming down the roads at high speeds and conversations on the streets.

Yuta stuck his hands in his pocket and tilted his head down when someone bumped into him. "Oh, what the hell!".

"You know, an excuse me would of worked!" Yuta turned around and was faced with a brown hair boy. "Sicheng?".

Sicheng looked up, "Oh.. Yuta. Hi".

Yuta could tell he wasn't in the right mind state. "Oh my gosh.. you're high aren't you? I didn't think this could happen".

Sicheng rubbed his eyes, "No.. maybe".

Yuta cocked his head to the side.

"Okay, yes".

Yuta chuckled and grabbed Sichengs arm. "You shouldn't be out so late like this".

Sicheng allowed Yuta to pull him, "Where are you taking me?".

"Police station. You need to get home"

Sicheng immediately stopped walking. If his mom found him like this he would be grounded for weeks. "No, no, and no".

Yuta looked at him, "Well then let me walk you home".

"And why are you being so nice? You were so cold to me in school" Sicheng asked.

"Because I would feel bad if anything happened to you out here. You can barely stand" which was true.

Yuta was Sichengs support while walking.

Sicheng smiled, Yutas sent grazing his nose, "Do you know where I live..?".

"Two blocks away from me"

Sicheng was surprised he knew. "How-"

"I saw when we both walked home together that day we ran into each other at the store" Yuta waited for the cars to go by before crossing the street.

Sicheng pouted, "Carry me".


Sicheng stopped walking and purposely fell on the ground. "My legs hurt".

Yuta sighed, "You're so annoying". He picked the small boy up and started walking again.


"Okay, you're home" Yuta put him down and walked down the steps.

Sicheng stood up, "You're not going to-"

"No" Yuta walked towards his house.

Sicheng smiled and opened his doors.

Kun immediately ran to him and hugged him, "Where were you?!".

"Outside" Sicheng flopped down on his couch.

"Where did you go?" Kun sat next to him.

"I was just walking when I ran into Yuta.. and he walked me home" Sicheng smiled at the memory that only ended two minutes ago.

"Yuta?" Kun questioned. "You really are high".

Sicheng rolled his laugh, "Ha ha.. I'm serious.. and I feel much better thank you very much".

"Sorry.." Kun checked the time. "One more movie?".

Sicheng nodded a grabbed the blanket, "Key Kun? Do you have any more-"


Peek A Boo ~Yuwin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now