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Yuta and Sicheng spent the rest of the day together and when night came,  Yuta walked him home.

"You know.." Yuta began as they approached the house, "Today wasn't too bad". 

Sicheng nodded in agreement, "Who knew you could be so fun".

Yuta chuckled and rocked slightly, "Well.. I'll see you tomorrow at school".

Sicheng nodded and whispered a soft 'bye' before entering his house. He quickly went to the window and peeked through the curtains, watching Yuta walk down the dark road.

"Have fun"

Sicheng jumped at the sudden words and turned around to see his mom. "Oh.. hey". He could tell by her face he was in big trouble.

"You're school called" His mom said. "Want to explain why you skipped class".

Sicheng gulped. No amount of excuses would save him from whatever punishment he had in store. "I-I'm so sorry..".

His mom hummed, "You should be. Your education is important.. oh and your grounded, for two weeks".

"Two weeks! Mom I said I was sorry!" Sicheng whined. He knew that when he was grounded he had to go straight to school and then straight home. Which meant no concert for him.

His mom walked into the kitchen, "That doesn't matter. You still skipped so you're not getting off the hook easily".

Sighing, Sicheng decided not to argue since it would only get him into more trouble. "I'll be upstairs".

He leaped up the stairs and into his room, shutting the door. He dialed Kuns number quickly before putting his phone down on his nightstand.

"Hello?" Kun said once he answered the phone. "Sicheng, where the hell were you today?".

"Me and Yuta decided to leave early" Sicheng was changing his clothing.

Sicheng could hear the sound of his friend scoffing. "I find it hard to believe you wanted to skip classes. Was it all Yuta's idea?".

"No" Sicheng laid back on his bed. "You know you're very judgemental. You don't even know Yuta the way I do".

"Oh I'm sorry. You guys work on one project together and your suddenly best friends" Kuns sassy toned seeped through the phone.

"I didn't say that. What I'm saying is he isnt that bad". Sicheng knew Kun was probably rolling his eyes.

"You're lucky I can't reach through this phone and hit you".

Sicheng chuckled, "Look.. maybe all three of us should have lunch together at school. You guys can get to know each other".

"Fine. Only because I will never hear the end of this. Tomorrow, and make sure you actually show up" Kun said before hanging up.

Sicheng smiled, "Wouldn't dare miss it".

The next day, Sicheng made sure to come to school early to get all the work he missed.

"Thank you" He walked out his last class and saw Johnny. "Hey!".

Johnny continued walking, ignoring the boy.

"I know you heard me!" Sicheng ran to him and jumped on his back.

"What do you want?" Johnny asked, holding the boy up.

Sicheng hummed, "For you to stop being mad at me".

"Fine.. now get off"

Sicheng hopped off his back and smiled, "Thank you".


Sicheng looked over to where his name was being called and saw Ten approaching the two.

"Well.. I gotta go" Sicheng tried to scurry away but Ten had already made it to him.

"Its been so long since we've talked! How have you been?" Ten asked in a sweet tone.

Sicheng faked a smile, "I'm just fine".

Ten nodded, "Good.. I see you hair grew back pretty fine. I guess my little hair cut did no damage".

Sicheng clenched his jaw a bit, "It did alot of damage at the time. My hair was un even and it took a year to grow back!".

"Did I ever say I was sorry?"

"No" Sicheng answered.

"Cause I wasn't!" Ten laughed a bit loud. "I crack myself up".

Sicheng took a deep breathe to relax himself, "I got to go.. It was nice catching up". He smiled softly at Johnny before walking away.

Kun entered the school and saw the little scenario, "Were you just talking to Ten?".

"If only I wasn't" Sicheng said, going over to his best friend.

Kun snickered, "You really need to get over what happened in the past".

"I can't when he still taunts me about" Sicheng pouted slightly. "Anyways.. forget Ten. Your focus should be lunch with Yuta".

Kun groaned, "So that wasn't a dream".

"No it wasn't" Sicheng stated. "Please Kun.. Cooperate".

"I'll try.. but you know I don't do well with boys like-"

"Yuta!" Sicheng called him when he saw the boy coming up the stairs.

"What's up?" Yuta asked before looking at Kun. "Sup".              

Kun waved, "So.. Sicheng thought it would be a good idea if all three of us had a lunch together. As a way for me and you to get to know each other".

Yuta's eyes flickered between Kun and Sicheng, "Um... okay. When?"

"Today. You know where we sit at during lunch so meet us there" Sicheng looked at the two who weren't even looking at each other. "Don't be so weird. It'll be great".  

Peek A Boo ~Yuwin [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now