"thinking of her"

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THE SEEMINGLY NEVER ENDING HEAT HIT SUNNY'S BACK. She took in a deep breath as she finally reached it, the school. Ruby smiled down at the girl as Aasim finally caught up, holding two fully grown rabbits. "Mighty big catch today huh?" the girl smiled up, "No, not really but it's ok cause things can't get any worse, y'know?". Ruby dropped down from the post, opening the gate for the two as both their hands were full. Sunny beamed almost as radiant as the sun yet there seemed to never be a time were she was sad, at least Ruby never saw the girl with anything but a smile on her face, though Ruby wished the catch was bigger, Sunny's smile was contagious.

As Sunny walked through the school she heard the sound of Louis playing his piano, a bigger smile, if possible grew on her face as she walked towards Louis. "Sup ,piano boy." He looked up a smirk dancing at his lips. "Hey, smiley." "Whatcha up to?" Sunny said as she sat beside him, her eyes resting on his fingers. "Welllll if you must know I'm working on a new song, about you in fact Mrs. Smiley" Sunny's smile now took up all of her face, her dimples caving in. Her cheeks turned to a bright red, she felt like a fool. "Why me?" "You're interesting ,Sun, you really are". A silence fell between them, a comforting one.

                                    -Time Skip-

Sunny sat down beside Louis as she practically gobbled down her stew, Louis laughed. Ruby looked at the two as if they had goose eggs on their heads. "Sorry R!" Louis looked at the two before he let out a loud burp. Ruby rolled her eyes walking away from the two. "Goodnight Ruby!" Louis declared. Sunny laughed and every time she looked at Ruby's bowl she had left, she laughed again. Violet and Marlon joined the two at the table as the two finally cooled their laughing. Though the school was already convinced they were maniacs.

Sunny knocked on Lou's room door ,yes she called him Lou, it's impolite to judge you know. He opened up the door annoyed at first but when he saw Sunny he brightened up. "What's up?" She walked into his room plopping on his bed as he joined beside her. "I'm not sleepy." A slight smirk danced at Louis's lips as he thought of a way to pass time. "Truth or dare?" "Jeez Lou, you're obsessed with that game!" "You wanna play it or not?" The two laughed. "Sure, why not?" The questions breezed by as the dares did too. Though a certain question triggered Sunny to start thinking, Louis had jokingly asked her "Who do you like like?". She pretended like the question meant nothing but it did, Sunny never took time to realize her feelings. "I-I honestly don't know" she smiled gently at Louis. "Who do you like?" "I'm not gonna tell you! But I do in fact like like someone" "Louissss we're not in school, well technically" they laughed as Sunny pretended to forget about the question that replayed constantly in her mind. "Who do you like like?" was basically a broken record her head loved. The girls eyes grew heavy and she decided it was time to go to bed, though being to lazy to go back to her own bedroom she stayed in his.

The sun daringly peeked in, as if it was hesitant to start the day. Sunny checked her watch, seeming the time was set at 7:00 she pondered how she woke up so early seeming as she usually woke up at 10 or 9 on a good day. Not reading too much into things was something Sunny struggled with doing, she jumped to conclusions faster than you could say "that's wrong". She looked beside her finding Louis, his trench coat laid beside the bed. Sunny laughed at this but she did notice she had a slight pink blush lacing her cheeks'.
She ran her fingers gently through his hair, his dreads were loose and almost came out. Louis shook slightly and looked up, he smiled his eyes still closed. "It's impolite to play with a mans hair while he's asleep you know." Sunny giggled. "Can I do your dreads? Like May used to do?". His face went gentle as he sat up smiling at the girl. "Sure!" Sunny gave him a gentle smile. Louis fell back into the smaller girl "Hey! We're not playing trust fall!" Louis looked up at the girl and smiled. "It's technically not really trust fall because we're on a bed". His head rested in her lap as she loosed up his dreads then tightened them back up.

The two walked to Marlon's office though he had asked specifically for Sunny Louis tagged along. Marlon seemed to be caught off guard by the two being up so early, and together. "Hey guys, even though you weren't supposed to come ,Louis, I could use you as well" "See? I'm always needed" he said looking at Sunny. "Whatever" she chuckled as Louis dramatically put his hand over his heart, acting as if she had just killed his best friend. Marlon smirked at the two almost yelling out at them to kiss. "Anyways Love birds, we're gonna do some work in the greenhouse" Marlon pointed at the small area on the map as the pair's eyes lingered over the crumbled map.

The two strutted over to the greenhouse waving to Violet and Minnie as they went. "So Lou, if you were to like someone what would you do?" "Well I don't know why you're asking me, I mean Violet is obviously the love expert buttttt I would just tell them, no point in dragging it out I supposed but that's easier said than done most times". "Damn, that's was deep as hell, Lou!". "What can I say? I am a love expert, nah I'm playing but I did help Marlon get a girlfriend." "You do realize they broke up after he kissed her because she said he kissed weird and she got mad cause of that, right?" Louis winked at the girl, "Love is overrated anyways" Sunny said. "Not really, I think love, if you actually have feelings and romance, is fucking awesome".

Word count: 1080 words.

A/N: Squeeee! I finally started this, I know it's all over the place but I think it turned out pretty well! Thanks for reading 😉

★ Dead Head - (Louis)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora