"and its you that i want"

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"I'm so fucking scared, Lou, I can't lose you. I don't care if I love you, I can't risk it"

"Holy shit" she muttered as the walkers crowded around her and Violet.

"I've got your back" Violet said, though her voice crack showed her fear of losing her life to the rotting corpses.

The two sliced up the dead. Violets cleaver slicing through the undead's rotting flesh. Sunny pulled her her bat with nails in it out and bashed in every corpse head that tried to get too close.

Violet and Sunny heard multiple gun shots ring throughout the air and many of the deadheads bodies fall.

The two let out a huge sigh of relief as they saw their group again. Though the relief ended as they saw a distraught Brody and Marlon.

"Hey what's up?" Sunny broke the silence. Before Marlon could start talking Brody explained. " The twins.. they-". Brody's sentence was interrupted by Marlon saying "were bit".

The silence came back.

Violet fell into Sunny's arms as she broke down. "M-Minnie.. no fuck no!". Sunny cried as well as she rubbed circles into Violets back. Occasionally trying to comfort her even though she herself was a mess.

As the trio arrived back at the school everyone crowded around. Hearing cries and seeing Violet, Brody, and Sunny crying caused the group to shut up.

"The twins.. they were bitten, they didn't make it". Marlon explained the situation .

Tenn ran into Violet and Sunny's arms. Sunny let Violet go which resulted in Violet running to her dorm. "They're really gone..I never thought.." Tenn's own tears stopped himself from continuing. Which has probably for his own good.

Sunny sat in her room, alone. She checked her watch seeing the time read "10:26 pm" she sighed as she tossed and turned not being able to sleep from her pounding headache. That very headache had come from her crying practically all day. Before Sunny could even realize that she had gotten up she was already at Louis' door.

Her hand wrapped around the door knob; as she didn't even bother knocking. She shuffled into his room causing him to look up and give her a small smile. His eyes were puffy and red. Like everyone else's at the school. She crawled into his bed. Cuddling up against him. She looked up at him.
Sunny sighed drawing in even closer to him, if that was even possible. " I've really missed you Louis" "I missed you too sunflower".

"I can't hide this anymore, Louis, I need to tell you before I lose you".

The boy looked confused but let her continue. She sat up Indian style on his bed. "I'm um really into-"
"Aasim right?"

"What the hell, Louis?" "No!"

" then who?"
She looked at his confused face, she admired the way his eyebrows furrowed and the way his eyes looked; even if they were bloodshot, she still found herself lost in them. She didn't, no couldn't stand the thought of ruining their friendship but after Violet losing Minnie she just couldn't deny these feelings anymore.

She took a big risk and closed the space in between them, locking her lips with his. She noticed how soft his were. She brung her hands to the nape of his neck. His hands running through her tangled hair.

★ Dead Head - (Louis)Where stories live. Discover now