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"When you walk out the door and leave me torn, you're teaching me to live without it"

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"When you walk out the door and leave me torn, you're teaching me to live without it"

Sunny groaned as she got out of bed; her head was hurting like hell. Sunny yawned as she took off her pajamas. She gently fiddled with the fabric on the clothes she always a wore. The shirt she had was just a plain black turtle neck and her pants were ripped blue jeans. The jeans hadn't been intentionally ripped but they were just so worn they ripped. Sunny sighed and added a black leather jacket to her outfit. It was for warmth but the jacket did look nice.

Sunny found herself at Louis' bedroom door and she knocked on the wooden door. Though her knocking creaked the door open. "Louis, are you in here?". Sunny walked in after having no response. She looked over at his bed and saw that he was still sleeping. Sunny looked around his room finding his usual trench coat sitting on a chair. Sunny but her lip to keep herself from laughing at the coat, it had survived a lot longer than she expected it to. The silence of the room was unbearable to Sunny, so she decided it would be good to wake Louis up.

"Louis, um wake up" Sunny said as she violently shook his shoulders.

"What the hell?!" Louis exclaimed as he was woken up.

"Shit! um sorry bab- I mean, Louis"

"Oh hey,Sunny.." Louis could barely look her in the eye.

"I'm sorry I slapped you" Sunny said.
Louis looked at her with a gentle glance

"It's alright!" He said as his eyes went everywhere but Sunny's eyes.

Sunny could take the hint so she slid off his bed and made her way to the door.

"Anyways see you later, Alligator" Louis said in a joking manner.

Sunny gently smiled "After a while, Crocodile"

"Real soon, Daniel Boone" Louis kept going

"Get fucked, Daffy Duck" Sunny laughed after saying that. Louis laughed too.

Sunny walked into Marlons office "What's up for today?"

Marlon looked up "I was thinking Clem could go with Louis and Aasim hunting or she could go with Violet and Brody fishing." Sunny hated the idea that Clem would get to hunt with Louis possibly but just tried to stop caring.

"Could I u-"

"No Sunny, I think it'd be better if you stayed here today, after that stunt you pulled last night I don't think you should be around Louis"

Sunny's eyes went big "Fuck you Marlon!". She flipped him off as she walked out.

The most ironic thing about Sunny is that she has pretty bad anger issues. She hates herself for being so loud and dramatic and wishes she could take by her actions. Sunny always tried to stop herself from acting like a drama queen but can't always control it.

and at the moment Sunny was pissed.

Sunny ran out of the school and looked around for Ruby. Sunny was pretty close with Ruby since Ruby understood Sunny's problems. Sunny loves Ruby because she sees her for who she actually is and not who she's pretending to be. The happy facade really takes a toll on Sunny sometimes. Ruby was climbing up the ladder to get to the 'watch tower'. Sunny followed Ruby up there and as soon as Ruby turned around she almost had a heart attack.

"Hey, Rubes" Sunny smiles at the petite girl.

"Hey? Not to sound rude but do you need something? I mean you just gave me a heart attack!"

Sunny smiled and pulled Ruby into a hug.

"I'm so fucking pissed" Sunny mumbled into Ruby's shoulder.

Act 2

After Sunny cooled down she had decided to tell Marlon she was sorry. Sunny made her way over to Marlon and saw him talking to Clem. Sunny had acknowledged that yesterday Louis Clem and Aasim had already gone hunting, so she wondered if she might could persuade him into letting her take Clem's place but she knew that life didn't go that way. Marlon turned around and faced Sunny "You here to act like a 5 year old or apologize?" Marlon asked.

"I'm sorry I yelled" Sunny said quickly.

"I don't really care ,Sunny, I mean thank you for apologizing but I decided today to not send the trio out"

Sunny was confused but it didn't much bother her.

Sunny nodded and started to look for Brody.

She found Brody with a pained look on her delicate face.

"Brody, everything okay?" Sunny said concerned.

"Who me? Yeah I'm fine I just have been thinking about yesterday and..."

Sunny was confused "Go on"

Brody frowned "I don't think that'd be a good decision"

Just as Sunny was gonna so why the couple were being called over for dinner.

Sunny gave Brody one last smile before she walked away.

Act 3

Sunny was sleeping but was woken up by a loud bang and 3 familiar voices. Sunny made her way outside but as she arrived out there she realized all of the school was out there as well. Everyone seemed confused but when they heard a bang they all snapped their heads around and saw Marlon crawling out of the basement. "CLEMENTINE KILLED BRODY!" Marlon exclaimed. Marlon walked towards the crowd but I blocked out his voice and looked around the crowd. Clem was missing. After a while Clem emerged from the basement "You're a fucking liar ,Marlon!".

Everyone's eyes went to Clem. Clem said that Marlon had been the one to kill Brody because she knew he had given away the twins. I connected the pieces and remembered the day the twins had 'died' I remember how scared Brody looked.

Marlon tried to deny these accusations but I believed Clem. "Louis, do something!" Clem said desperately.

"No no, I am not involved" Louis said

"Louis?!" Clem said distressed

"I like you Clem but no.. not me"

"So you're just gonna let him kill me?" Clem said to Louis.

Marlon smirked and was about to shot Clem but Louis stepped in front of her.

"Put the gun down ,Marlon, this is how adults do things, not us!" Louis tried to reason.

I inched my way over to Clem and Louis.

"Come on Marlon put down the gun we can settle this" Sunny said.

Soon the whole school had come over to Clem's side.

Clem had told Marlon that he could stay at the school but not as the leader. Sunny admired Clem for her bravery.

Right as Marlon was about to finish his sentence a bullet pierced through his head.

Everyone looked at the culprit, AJ.

Clearly confused by the looks he said "What? I aimed for the head."

Word count: 1119

A/N: hi guys! I know it's been a while and I'm sorry for that but I've been really busy and I'm sorry this chapter is so fucked I wrote it a while ago and hadn't realized that I had the story all fucked up so I tried my best to fix it. Anyways though thank you for reading!

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