"love or lust?"

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Sunny pushed up against the wooden door, the greenhouse was old so she made sure to push gently. Louis seemed zoned out, which has been a reoccurring thing over the past 10 minutes. Sunny waved her hand out in front of his face, which got him to come back to Sunny's world. "Hey, Louis, save your zone out session for when you're alone at night" the girl winked at him hoping he'd catch her joke. The boys nose scrunched up "You're actually so gross!". The two giggled seeming to be in their own painless world. Sunny lingered around as the aroma from various spices mixed together gently tingling her nose.

"Achoo!", a gentle sneeze cut through the once silent air. "Holy shit was that a cat or did you just sneeze?" "What?" a small blush rushed to her cheeks, almost as if it was trying to expose her feelings towards the boy. "That was one cute as sneeze" "Um, thanks I suppose?". The two erupted in a fit of laughter. As Sunny picked at ginger she found her self gagging "I hate ginger, it's legit the worst thing ever.." "Sun! You gotta be kidding! I love it" Louis almost screamed. "Your voice went from 25 year old to seven year old,Lou".

"You know if you hate ginger don't pick it." "Other people love ginger *cough* you Lou*cough". "I mean it's your world I'm just living in it" the boy said, a toothy grin danced on his face. Sunny smirked as an unbearable silence fell upon them. Usually she could deal with silence, especially when it came to Louis but after his trivial question about liking people and having crushes she felt as if she never wanted to stop talking, she couldn't deny her obvious attraction, though she knew she couldn't move this fast. A devilish smile played on her face as one of her marvelous ideas drilled its way into her brain.

She realized that he always flirted with everyone except her, and she knew how to play her cards to where he'd blush, then she'd tease him about it and hopefully he'd fall in love with her. Now that she was thinking about doing it a huge wall of anxiety about stopped her."Sooo Louis, what's up with you never flirting with me, huh? Am I not good enough for you?" Sunny smiled, though he couldn't see as her back was to him. "W-what are you talking about?" "Oh nothing nothing, I heard that Sophie has a crush on you though.." "How did you get from me flirting to Sophie?" "Are you cheating on me with Sophie?!" Sunny pretended to act mad. "No! Sun! I'm not- it's that-". The girl giggled as Louis sat there stumbling over his words. "Well I've picked all I can see you later,lover boy" she said winking at his as she left.

Louis' P.O.V🎵
I sat there confused for what felt like years, why would she say that? Did she mean it? Does Sophie actually like me?. I was so confused but continued picking, more motivation ran through my veins now that Sunny had said that. I wanted, no needed to talk to her.

3rd person (Back to normal)
Sunny sat at a table with Tenn, coloring a book she had found him when she went scavenging. The two smiled as Sunny colored the next page. "Tennnn, why is yours so good when you're like 10 and I'm 15 and have already ripped a hole in the page?!". Tenn laughed "I'm just the best artist ever I suppose". The two smiled and continued coloring. Sunny turned around hearing commotion from the next table over. Louis had landed a punch in the stomach from none other than Sophie Violet let out a loud "Damnnn" and Minnie laughed so hard she was crying. The laughter was contagious as Tennessee and Sunny both started laughing until their ribs were dull.Louis shuffled his way over to Sunny and Tenn. The teen was obviously pissed off. "Hey buddy, you okay? That punch looked like it hurt." Louis glared at the girl as Tenn laughed. Sunny dismissed herself and Louis. "See ya Tennie, I'll color with you some more and we can even play with your fireman toys. A grin laced Tenn's small face as he excitedly nodded.

As Sunny and Louis walked through the halls she was caught off guard by Louis suddenly cornering her against the wall. His hands on both sides of the wall, vertical to her ears and Sunny didn't know why but she suddenly wanted to kiss Louis. "Jesus Lou, if you're gonna murder me at least have a knife, strangling is so Halloween 1". Louis smirked "Well it's cooler to be strangled but they'd both be painful" "Why are we taking about this?". Louis drew in closer "Why did you say Sophie had a crush on me?". The girl, who has stilled pinned against the wall by the way, laughed. Sunny pushed him away and winked. "You'll find out soon enough". Sunny walked to Tenn's room, finding Sophie in there as well. She looked up giving Sunny a gentle smile. "Sunny!" Tenn said excitedly. "He Tennie, ready to play?" He nodded as he jumped on her back. The two ran around asking multiple 'citizens' if they had seen any fires. Most said no but when the couple got to Violet and Minnie they pretended to be in deep thought as they suddenly 'recalled' seeing a fire. Tenn and Sunny ran around , much to everyone's amusement making sounds of fire trucks.

"I had so much fun, Sunny, you're like my sister!" She smiled down at the boy as they walked to a table and sat down with Violet, Minerva and Sophie. The trio smiled as the couple sat down. The five now ate in a peaceful silence. The school had decided since they had such a great day, with Aasim bringing back 3 fully grown rabbits, Brody bringing an entire basket of fish and Sunny and Louis picking so many spices ,they had a fire. Sunny watched them all socialize as she sat far from the fire smiling at her family. "So not needing any warmth are we?" Louis said to the girl. She smiled up at him "Well now that you mention it" she walked up to the fire, all her friends cheering as the two sat down. "The lovebirds weren't too good for us after all!" Marlon said causing everyone to laugh. Louis blew raspberries at him and whole group laughed again. Louis sat his head on Sunny's lap as they fell asleep. The whole group fangirling as the two rested peacefully.

Word count:1116 (Minus a/n)

A/N: Ekkk! Finally overcame my writer block! So happy to have this published, I really hate school because I got less and less time to write because all my homework but I hope you liked this update! (Sorry it's so late at night btw!)

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