1: Stone Cold

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The last time that I saw him was 3 months ago. That was when he told me that his girlfriend was pregnant. I hate him, only I know that I don't. I love him and that's why I hate him.

Joe and I had been friends for years, only now, I don't think we can be friends anymore. How will I be able to watch him with his pregnant girlfriend together while I'm sitting on the sidelines? Will I ever be able to tell him that I still love him?

As I am on my way home from the gym, I wonder what Joe is doing now. Sophie is probably starting to show that she's pregnant and I can't help but wish that she was me. I've always wanted kids. The only problem is: who do I trust enough to raise any possible children with?

I sit at home with my dogs, Batman and Cinderella, watching crime shows. There really isn't much else to do since I live alone and my friends are often busy. Scrolling through Instagram simultaneously, I notice that Joe posted about Sophie and his baby-to-be. I can't help but stare at the picture as I imagine Joe's life with someone else.

His caption says, "Happier than ever with the love of my life."

I choke back a little sob as my stomach drops, wishing to be in that picture instead of Sophie. Sure, I want him to be happy, but I want him to be happy with me.

My phone rings later than evening and I pick up.


"Hi Demi. This is Nick."

"Oh, hi Nick," I reply, trying to sound excited to be talking to him.

"You don't have to fake for me," he says. "I know that you're upset. Joe says that you've been ignoring him."

"Is that why you're calling?" I ask.

"No," he responds, "but I do want to talk to you. My mom and dad were wondering if you and your family would like to come over. We really haven't gotten together in a long time. Now that I think about it, since Sophie got pregnant. Wait... Demi, are you jealous?"

"No, I'm fine with it. And I'll talk to my family. Bye!" I hang up the phone as quickly as possible. I have to go with my family to the Jonas house. Otherwise, more people will catch on that I'm jealous of Joe and Sophie.

Once everything is confirmed with our families and the day of the get together comes, my nerves are more than crazy.

"Demi! Let's hurry!" my sister yells through the door of my room. "We're going to be late!"

I put extra caution on what I decided to wear, did my hair, and perfected my makeup. I was going to have to look and act as if nothing was going on. I know dressing nice won't get Joe to notice me, but it's worth a shot.

I step out of my room and stand face-to-face with Dallas.

"What took so long? Let's get going," she says and we get into my car and drive to the Jonas house.

As we pull up to the house, a sense of nostalgia washes over me. I haven't been here for months and used to drop in so often that it had become my second home. I begin to feel almost a little excited to be back and see everyone again.

"Hi Demi, Dallas!" Denise welcomes as we step into the house.

"Thank you so much for inviting us," I reply.

"Oh, it was all Nick's idea. Thank him," she smiles and we all walk further into the house. "Everyone else is already here so we can start immediately."

I smile. Both families walk into the dining room and we sit around the table, drowning in conversation.

I sit between Nick and my mom, with Joe beside Nick. Sophie, unfortunately, is here on the other side of Joe. It's not that I don't like her, it's just that she has everything I want, and she's the one in my way. I know it's irrational to think like this, but it's how I am. She's more obviously pregnant and her natural beauty is incomparable; I can't help but feel less than beautiful.

"How have you been Demi?" Denise asks. "I feel like it's been forever."

"I know! I've really missed you. But I've been good," I say.

"You've ought to visit more often."

"I definitely will," I reply, "I've just been really busy with work and I'm looking for a new house, and everything happened really quickly."

"I know how that works," she says.

I look over and see that Joe is watching me. I wonder if he remembers our last conversation before I decided that talking to him had become too painful.

"How have y'all been?" I ask, looking at the Jonas family. 

As supper continues, I watch Joe and Sophie. How could they have found a love so perfect when I'm certain that my forever is Joe?

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