5: Father

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The next morning, Denise calls after I've fed the baby.

"Hey, Denise," I say.

"Hello Demi. I was just wondering if Nick and I could come over to see the baby. I We won't tell Joe, it's just... I really want to see my grandson."

"Of course. How about this afternoon? I have a meeting about my album this morning and I'm bringing him with me."

"Okay," she replies, "We'll see you then, Demi."

I hang up the phone and get dressed before packing up a bag for Luca. Then, I lay him in his infant carrier and we drive to the recording studio to talk about my album.

"So," Phil starts, "we release the album in September and the second single near the end of November? Or start of December?"

"Maybe December 1st."

"And the next single is Tell Me You Love Me, right Demi? Or have you changed your mind again?"

"Yeah, Tell Me You Love Me," I reply. "Sounds good."

To be honest, I'm not even really paying much attention to the meeting going on around me. I'm focusing on Luca who I'm holding at the moment.

"Demi! Pay attention!"

I snap my head up. "Sorry."

"I think we've figured out what was needed, so you can go back home now Demi."

"Thanks," I reply.

At home I spend a lot of time with Luca. I sing to him a lot. He comes from a family of musicians and I'm a musician, so I definitely want to expose him to a lot of music early on. I don't know what I would have done and would do without music in my life to guide me.

That afternoon, Denise and Nick come over. They're obviously excited to see the baby, but sad about Joe and his situation.

"How's Joe?" I ask.

"As can be expected. But I'm scared that he's depressed. He isn't eating or getting out of bed. He won't even talk to us." Denise answers.

While Denise is holding Luca, my cell phone rings loudly, disrupting the silence. I excuse myself from the living room and answer without looking at who's calling.


"Hi Demi. It's Joe."

"Joe! How are you?" I ask.

"Not the best but I know that I have to move on eventually. Can I come see... the baby tomorrow?"

"For sure!"

"Don't get too excited. I just need to let go before I can move on," he says.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah. Bye."

I walk back into the living room. Denise is holding the baby and looks happy to see her grandson. At the same time she looks exhausted, probably from all the time spent worrying about Joe and trying to help him.

"Well Demi. I'm going to go back home to check on Joe, but Nick's decided to stay with you and Luca for a little longer," Denise says getting up to leave and handing the baby to Nick.

"Alright," I reply. I sit down beside Nick and ask, "How have you been?"

He sighs. "I'm really worried about Joe, but I'm kind of relieved."

"Why?" I question.

"Well, after Joe and Sophie started dating, not only did he stop spending lots of time with me, but you stopped visiting us. I missed you and I'm sure you missed us too."

Almost crying, I reply, "I really did miss you."

"And I know you love Joe. I just want you to be happy."

A few tears start rolling down my cheeks. I lean over and hug Nick closely, Luca between us.

"It's true, you know?" he says.

"I know," I reply, "I just needed that. You're the best friend ever."

"You are too," he responds.

The two of us continue to talk for a while until Luca starts to cry. Nick, as amazing as he is, helps with the baby, then leaves to check up on Joe.

With Luca, time passes quickly. I easily spend hours just holding him. 

The next day, Joe comes over. He had walked and, not to be rude, looked terrible.

"Hi Joe," I welcome.

He doesn't reply, obviously not in the mood to talk. He picks up the baby from his carrier and my heart breaks as Joe starts crying.

"Why?" he asks. "Why is it so unfair?"

I awkwardly take a step back, surprised at how depressed he seems to have become. Now I'm extra scared for him too.

Joe places the baby into my arms. "Sorry," he whispers.

I feel myself shaking as I watch him walk out the door and turn onto the sidewalk. I return to the bedroom and lay Luca in his bassinet. Crashing on the bed, I start to cry.

I'm conflicted. What should I feel?

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