10: Mistake

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The next few days are very relaxing and Joe, Luca, and I don't even leave the house. Both of our sets of parents come over and spend a lot of time with Joe, happy that he's feeling a lot better.

Today, he has an appointment to see how he's been after the accident. I have to drive all 3 of us since Joe still is struggling with a broken arm. I'm really looking forward to when he can have his cast removed and finally hold Luca. As long as it heals properly, he can probably have his cast taken off in a month or so. I just hope he doesn't regain his memory before then.

Once we get back from the appointment, I realize that I had forgotten to go pick up some more formula for Luca at the store.

"Can you stay here with Luca for a few minutes?" I ask Joe. "I need to go pick up some formula for Luca; I'll just walk over to Walmart."

"Sure," he says, "Hurry back, though."

I nod and grab my purse, heading out the door to walk to the store. The paparazzi are super invasive, but when are they not?

One of them even yells at me, "You don't deserve Joe!" right in my face to try to hurt me. But I already know that I don't deserve Joe; they didn't have to say it.

I make it to the store and pick up some baby formula then make my way to the checkout. Immediately, I realize what a bad idea this was. My face is on the magazines placed beside the checkout, so even if they didn't know who I was, they would see that I'm on the magazines. I try to ignore the flashes of a few different phones taking my picture.

I place the formula into my purse and leave the store to walk back home. It's crazy how much I already miss Luca.

I look both ways, then start to cross the street.

"Look out!" I hear someone yell. But it's too late, I'm on the ground before I can even comprehend what's happening.


I wake up and slowly open my eyes to see a doctor standing beside me.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You were attacked by someone who apparently hates that you got someone else's baby; I don't know. But either way, you're all over the news," he says.

"Who's been contacted?" I inquire.

"Your parents and I think your boyfriend. He'll be coming with your parents and baby, I heard," he replies to my question.

I nod. "Am I alright?"

"Well, your right calf muscle is torn and you're very scraped up, but it's mostly your fainting that got you in here. You'll be fine to leave in a few days."

My mom and dad come rushing into the room with Joe who's carrying Luca in his infant seat with his good arm.

"Are you alright?" Joe asks immediately.

I nod. "Just a little shaken up."

"Good. The baby wants you," he says as Luca starts to cry.

I pick Luca up and rock him back and forth while trying to keep straight all the questions I'm being asked.

"What happened?"

"When can you come home?"

"Where were you going?"

"I went to pick up some formula for Luca," I say, "And someone attacked me because they don't like the baby, or something like that."

"Why?" Joe asks.

I try to think up a reasonable excuse.

"I can tell you why," he continues, "the baby isn't yours."

Everyone in the room gasps as Joe places the carrier on the ground and says, "Goodbye Demi."

A few tears start forming in the corners of my eyes as my parents try to comfort me. I knew from the start that this was a bad idea. Why do I have to be so stupid sometimes?

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