Chapter Three

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I finally got to sleep and woke up a few hours later to Johnny shaking me. Johnny doesn't know about my nightmares because I don't wanna freak him out, so I always get scared whenever he shakes me to wake me up. When he does, I think the nightmare was real I don't wanna panic, just in case it's not real, but I don't wanna be too calm in case something is happening. Usually, I just look at Johnny to see if he looks worried or panicked. Today, he didn't, and I remember we're going to the Drive-In with Dally and Pony. "Let's go meet Dally," he said, and we get up and start walking. "Where do you think we'd meet him?" I ask. "Probably at the Bowen Lounge, but we should pick up Pony first." I nod as we keep walking.

Johnny doesn't love it when I'm with Dally. He never told me why, but I can infer that he can. He always gets me to stand behind him when we're with him, and Dally isn't the nicest. He, unlike the rest of our gang, steals and lies and cheats. I can tell Johnny doesn't like it when he does. but I'm not sure why. Whenever I ask, he says "You're too young to understand." I'm six, not two!

Johnny knocks on Pony's door, and Darry answers. I usually let Johnny do the talking around Darry, but he spoke first, turning around and calling "Ponyboy! Johnny and Anniepie are here!" I flinched a little when he yelled. Pony came down whilst putting on a purple no-sleeve shirt as he walked out. "Be back by midnight," Darry said as he closed the door. As we walked down away from the house, I either start walking faster or Johnny and Pony walk slower, and Johnny whispers something to Pony. I'm not sure what he said, but I think it's something about me and Dally's behavior.

We met Dally outside the Bowen Lounge. "We're early," he says. "What'd ya wanna do?" Dally started walking after Pony asked that. "Nothing legal, man. Come on, let's get outta here." Johnny grabbed me and held my hand tight not long after he said that. 

Dally first caused trouble at the Dingo. I love that place! Every day, Johnny and I have dinner together at that place, sometimes with someone else from the gang, but most of the time, it's just the two of us. Also, as I said, I hide in the bathroom whenever we're apart. Dally approached one of the cars and started to cause trouble. Johnny wouldn't let go of my hand as Dally talked to the driver of the car.

I looked over to my right and I see a gang of greasers jumping a Soc. Something my gang doesn't do. Well, except for Dally. I never told anyone this, but I wanted to jump back the Soc that cut Johnny's face. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Johnny would never approve of it though. He hates fighting, and so do I, and also I don't want him to get hurt worse than he is.After a while, Dally gave up and walked off. Johnny squeezed my hand as we kept walking. "So what's this movie about?" he asked. "Not sure, Johnny. One of those beach movies." Dally replied. "Anniepie's six, she can't be watching that!" Johnny squeezed my hand as he spoke. I roll my eyes. Once again, I'm six, not two! I didn't say that, I said "Why not? I love the beach?" Johnny turned to me and once again said "You're too young to understand." What a surprise. thought. "I know if I don't let you go, I can't go," he groans. "Exactly, please let me go!"

"Fine." I smile as we skip along to the drive-in, ready to watch a movie about beaches.

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