Chapter 4- Forbidden

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  I looked at a vent on the floor. Great! I have to stay in a room next to forbidden staircase. This is going to long two months.

   I started unpacking and settling in. While I was doing that. I put my ear up to the vent. I could hear hitting, punching,  and suffering. Most of all, beyond all of that, I could hear silence. I looked out the window, got on my computer and wrote a document.

October 28th 2104
Just arrived. Settled in. Found something everyone refuses to talk about.

I closed my computer quickly after that. I knew this place banned all electronic devices. Herr Nacht warned me before I even left Oblivion. I hid all my electronic devices in a draw and unpacked my clothes. I stuffed them all in there as well. Then, I shut my door and layed down on my bed.

Kristall and Shattered Memories.Where stories live. Discover now