Chapter 17- Found

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    Shmuel touched my hand. I looked at his face. He was covered with scratches and scars. Bruses and blood. He even had an eye black as night. "Don't worry" he told me "whatever happens next, we will get through it together." Then, we both fell asleep standing up still tied to the tree. Hand in hand.

   Not long, Kolter, Allies and Kyle found us asleep against the tree. He quickly and carefully untied us both from the the tree. Kolter picked up Shmuel and Allies picked me up. We all went back to the house. I was placed on the bed and Shmuel and I was placed on the couch. I suddenly had a flashback in my dreams.

  I saw the camp and many guards. I remembered the time I beat up a bunch of them to save a family. I also saw them. We ran to the fence. I managed to get the boy, the girl, and the mother over the fence. As for the father, he was too slow. Unluckly, one of the guards woke up, caught up with us, and was shot right in the back.

   A startle in my head had my awake. As soon as you knew it, it was morning and time for another day at Oriental Expressions High. It was close to Halloween though. I was pretty excied about that. Mabey that outta keep me off my mind about my shellshock. Mabey I could finally find some answers to this thing they call a crisis. Mabey this could all finally end.

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