Chapter 12- Home

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   We finally made it back to Oblivion. We dropped Kyle off at her sisters apartment. Shmuel and I rode into deeper into the city until we reached my house. Shmuel and I got out of the car and brought everything we carried with us.

  I knocked on the door. "Come in" yelled a deep man like voice. Shmuel and I both went in. "Hey sis" said Kotler. He looked a Shmuel."Who's the new guy?" "This is Shmuel, my boyfriend" I said "Shmuel, this is Kotler, my brother." Kotler smiled. "Nice to meet you" he said. Then, Allies saw me. "Adolfiyan" she said. Her arm was wrapped in a cast. "Allies" I worried "what happened?" Allies cried a little. "Axis boyfriend pushed me down a flight of stairs at school and broke my arm." "Boyfriend" questioned Shmuel. "Ya" cried Allies "and he doesn't like other jews!" "But Axis" I said "isn't she jewish?"

  "Not anymore" said Kotler "she became christian a week after you left." "No" said Shmuel "not that religion. Do you know how horrible some of them are? I worked for them and all they did was de humanize me. I'm lucky your sister showed up or else I would have been dead by now."

   Kotler and Allies both looked at each other. "Also" I said "they shouldn't be messing with people like us." "Why" questioned Kotler. Shmuel and I pulled out a rose, touched it, and turned it into barbed wire. "That is so cool you guys" Kotler amirored. "Thank you" I said "we have neutral powers. They can either be used for good things like love, romance,  kindness, and helping others in need or bad things like pain, suffering or revenge."

  Allies took a deep breath. Then, suddenly, Axis came home with her boyfriend. This really gave Shmuel some anxiety. 

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