Chapter 3

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We're at the park, swinging, and laughing, and talking, when she reaches out and takes my hand.

Without thinking I stop my swing, causing her to let go of my hand to keep from falling out of her swing.

"What the hell, Zo?" She tries to be serious, but ends up laughing.

"What are we doing?"  I blurt out.  The question had been burning in my head for a while, and when she grabbed my hand I knew I had to ask it.

"Well, we were swinging, and then you rudely stopped us." she jokes.

"That's not what I meant." I say, playfully swatting her arm.

"Oh.  You mean..." She points between us, and i nod. "Oh.  Well,  I don't know.  What are we doing?"

I stare into her eyes, she has gorgeous eyes, and I often find myself getting lost in the deep chocolatey depths of them.  "I don' know." I sigh.  "I want another chance, but I need to know that you're over Erica."

"I'm definitely not going back to Erica.  Ever."

"You've said that before, Sweetness" I remind her.

"I know.  But I mean it this time.  She ruined any chance she might have had when she jumped to conclusions about me talking about her.  Calling me a 'fucking bitch' and all the other hateful things she said to me.  No one deserves to be spoken to like that.  No one.  And the fact that it was me that it happened to.. so we're done. For good this time."

"Okay,"  I smile for a split second.  "So, does that mean that I get another chance?" I ask hopefully.

"What exactly do you want?" she smirks.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Hmm.." She pretends to think about it before, "Of course I will."

A huge smile covers my face, "Yay!"

She giggles, grabs my hand and we start to swing again.  About 30 minutes later it starts to rain, so we run to my car.

Once inside I look over to the passenger seat.  She's soaked, but she is still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

She catches me staring.  "What?" She smiles.

"You're beautiful."

"And you're full of crap.  I'm a mess, not beautiful."

"You're both."  I grin and playfully stick my tongue out like a 4 year old.

"Whatever." She laughs, shaking her head.



"You know, if it goes wrong this time, I really don't think that I'll make it through it." I say, in all seriousness.  I barely avoided falling back into depression last time we broke up, if we do again,  there is no way I won't fall back.

She leans across the center console and stops mere inches away from my ear.  "Don't think like that, Hun."   She whispers, sending chills down my spine.  She pulls away from my ear, but stops in front of my lips.  I lean forward and our lips meet.  I know I should take it slow, but when her tongue sweeps my bottom lip asking for entrance, I'm quick to grant it.  God I've missed kissing her!

When air becomes a necessity I slowly break our kiss. I rest my forehead against hers, "I love you, Calliope."  I whisper, barely audible.

"I love you, Arizona."

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