Chapter 14

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I wake with a start.  The room is dark, and the red lights on my alarm clock tell me it's 2:57 am.  'That's weird, I don't remember falling asleep.'  Sighing, i get up and walk to the bathroom. When I turn the light on i hear a sigh and the shifting of a body from the bed.  I look back to see Callie sprawled across my bed and giggle at the sight.

After going to the bathroom i go to my dresser and find the biggest shirt i have, so I'm not completely naked and head back to bed, only to find it still covered by Callie.

"Calliope" I nudge her and she moans.  "Ugh, love let me back in bed"

"Err.  No." she whines, and I giggle again.

"Fine, I guess I'll just go sleep on the couch, or maybe with Teddy.  Yeah I think I'll go sleep with Teddy." I turn and start walking away.  But before I get more than 2 steps away from the bed I get tugged back into it.  "Calliope." I laugh as i fall back on her.

"Don't go."

"Why not?"

"Because then I'd be all alone.  And that would be sad."  She pouts, finally opening her eyes.

"Awe. Don't be sad." I  say kissing her pouting lip.  Before i can pull away I'm being pulled closer.  "Mmm," I moan as her hands grab my hips positioning me directly on top of her.  "Calliope?"


"I'm sorry I made us miss dinner."

"Its okay Hun.  You can make it up to me." She winks.

"Hmm.  And just how do you think I can do that?" I smirk.

"Use your imagination" she smiles one of her mega-watt smiles.

"Hm.  Well maybe I could do..this."  I say before moving my knee to press against her center.

"Oh god." She moans and jerks under me.

"Or maybe this.." I run my hand up her side and grab her t-shirt and bra clad breast, causing more moans and jerks. "But first, I think we should do something about all this clothing" I whisper in her ear,  and she squirms again.

"Good idea."  I make quick work at removing her clothing and my oversized shirt.

No sooner do our clothes hit the floor, I feel my self being pulled down until my lips crash into hers.  My tongue sweeps her bottom lip and access is granted immediately.  We both moan in appreciation.  I run my hand up her side until it reaches her breast, and she squirms and moans under my every touch.

I start to kiss my way down her neck to her collarbone, making sure to stop along the the top of her collarbone, one of the many spots that drive her wild.

I slowly move further down her gorgeous body, and take her left breast in my mouth.  I swirl my tongue around her hardened nipple before alternating between nipping at it and flicking my tongue over it.  I feel her hands tangle in my hair,  as she softly pushes my head towards where she wants it the most.

As she positions me between her smooth caramel colored legs,  I can't help but tease her a little longer.  Moving my head to her right knee, I leave a trail of open mouthed kisses and love bites along her inner thigh, making her squirm even more.  When I get back to her center, I stop and do the same to her left leg.  "What do you want Love?"

"You" she pants.

"What about me?" The power I have over her sends chills down my spine and excites my every cell.

"Touch me.   Please God touch me."

"God's a little formal, don't you think love?  Arizona would do." I tease, before finally giving her what she wants.

I swipe my tongue along her drenched slit, before plunging it as far as in will go into her core, causing her back to arch off the bed.  I smile again at my power and curl my tongue.

"Oh God, yes!  God, more!" she pants.

I remove my tongue and replace it with two fingers.  Building a steady rhythm, i pump in and out occasionally circling her clit with my thumb. I can feel her start to tighten around my fingers, and just before the orgasm rips through her perfect body I exchange my fingers for my tongue again.  With one final curl of my tongue, her walls tighten, her back arches, and her hands grasp the sheets. "Oh fuck, Arizona! Oh God! YES!"

I run my tongue around her walls. lapping up her delicious juices as she rides out her orgasm.  When her spasms stop, I stalk my way back up her body and go to place a kiss on her cheek, but she turns and captures my mouth with hers instead, moaning at the taste of herself.  When the kiss ends, I roll off and lay beside her whispering in her ear,  "Did that make up for it?"

She laughs, still breathless, "I actually think you over did it"


"Yeah" she says rolling over and pinning me to the bed before leaning in close to my ear, her hot breath does nothing to calm the throbbing between my legs.  "I'm gonna have to even the score."

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