Chapter 10

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A week goes bye,  and no word from Callie.  I've decided that I'm not going to text her unless she texts me first.  But it's so hard.  She's all I think about.  Well, her and cutting. It's all I can do not to cut again.  'I wish she would text me.' 

I'm sitting in the living room with Teds and Maur.  They're watching some movie,  and im trying to pay attention, but all I can focus on is a certain brunette who hold my heart,  but also has a tendency to break and rebuild said heart.  Suddenly my phone goes off alerting me to a text.  My heart leaps and I quickly lean forward to grab my phone off the coffee table.

Hey.  --C

'Oh my god!  It's her!  It's actually her!' 'Damn it Zona!  Pull your shit together!  Don't get you're fucking hopes up before you know anything!  Dumb ass!'  

Hey  --A

What's up?  --C

Watching a movie with Teddy and Maura..  --A

Oh.   --C

Yeah.  :/  So..  --A

So..  I miss you.  --C

I feel my heart trying to jump out of my chest.  'She misses me!'

Oh?  --A

Yeah.  But I don't need another heartbreak.  --C

And I don't want to cause one...or be put through one..  --A

I don't want to put you through one either.  Which is why I can't be with you like you want.  But I want to be your friend..  if you still want to be mine.  --C

I do  :)  --A

Good :)  --C

We talk for hours.  And with each passing minute, I get happier and happier.  'Damn it.  What is it about her?'  Before I know it Teddy and Maura are getting up to go to bed.

"Good night."  They say in unison as they head to their bedrooms.

"Good night dolls."  I call to them.  Their footsteps stop.

"Um Zona?  Are you.. happy?"  Maura asks walking back towards me.

"Yeah.  I am."  I smile.

"Um.  You wanna tell us why?"  Teddy says as she sits back next to me on the couch.

"We talked it out.  And we're going to be friends.  Neither one of us needs a heartbreak right now.  And we're miserable when we don't talk.  So were going to be friends."

They just stare at me before, "Sweetie, your dimples are back!"

I smile even more and they wrap me in a bone crushing hug.

"Um.  Guys.  Can't.  Breathe."

"Oh, sorry Dear."  Maura says as the let go.

"Its okay.  Let's go to bed." I laugh.

Standing in front of out bedroom doors, Teddy turns around to look at me and says, "Its good to see you happy again, Sweetie."

"It's nice to be happy again." I tell her.  "Good night." I say as i walk into my room and close my door.

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