At the Disco! 😜

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Sabine's P.O.V

I opened my eyes, and looked at Ezra. My arm was draped over his torso, and my leg laid over his. He was fast asleep, and Ezra was a deep sleeper. I had no chance of waking him up, so I didn't.

I got many packages of cups, and lined them along the cold metal floor. Then I went to the kitchen and got a few buckets of water. I made sure Ezra was still sleeping before I began pouring the water into the cups. I filled every single one of them.

After they were all full, I laid back in bed with my blueberry. I giggled, when he didn't wake up.

"Ezzy." I laughed, poking his shoulder.

"W-What?" He squinted his eyes at the light. Then I pushed him straight off the bed, and he landed on the cups, which were filled with water. The water spilled all over him, and he just shook his head and laughed.

I stood up and pulled a small cloke around myself, to cover up my naked body. He stood up, and kissed me.

"Did you hear about the disco?" I looked deep into his blue eyes.

"Nope, but I can celebrate there." He smirked.

"Celebrate what?" I ran my finger down his torso.

"The kid we're going to have. If you haven't noticed already, I would love to have a kid with you." He smirked again, and kissed me.

"Whatever." I giggled.

Calypso's P.O.V

I sat in my chair. My brother was dead. My whole crew was dead except me, Clover, and Tala. But they had both left, they told me it was a waste of time and that they didn't want to end up like everyone else.

There had to be a key to power, I didn't care what the losses were, I needed that key. I needed power. I needed power more than anything, it was the only thing I cared about. Not Kayden, not Tala, not Demi, not Clover, not Bran or Michael. Power.

I searched records to find anything that could give me the answer I was looking for, and I found something. A boy called Billy, he made a different world, a white room. It could give me the power I so desperately needed. I just needed to figure out how to get in.

Billy made the room for a girl called Sabine, his sister. With the white room, he could talk to her through his head. He must really have a connection with her. But I didn't care. I needed power.

Sabine's P.O.V

I stood at the side of the disco, watching Ezra, Zeb and Kallus dance. Zeb and Kallus were dancing together, and Ezra was just eating and drinking. I was standing next to the food table, Ezra walked over to me.

"Hey." I smiled.

"How you doing?" He put his and on my waist.

"Your drunk, Ezzy." I giggled.

"Is it that bad?" He pushed me against the wall, and started kissing my neck.

"No." I bit my lip, and kissed him back.

"Ezra, go get something to eat." I smirked as he walked off.

"Hi my name is Alex." Some dude walked up to me.

"Um... I'm Sabine. I was just...Err... Waiting for my boyfriend." I looked down. "He just went to get something to eat, so yeah."

"Well, is he that important?" Alex stepped forward.

"More important than you." I mocked him.

"Yeah, well, I'm sure I'm better than him. Anyone could be." He laughed.

"SHUT UP!"I screamed, and a few people gave us looks. I had my hands on the sides of my head.

"Wow, I'm so scared." He laughed again. "Your weak, you couldn't hurt a fly."

"Oh, I think I could." I looked up, and my eyes glowed red. He raised his eyebrows.

"Ha, doubt it. Now take those stupid contact lenses out!" Alex scoffed.

"They aren't contact lenses." I smirked. Then I grabbed him, and smashed his head against the wall until his heart stopped. I dropped his still body on the colourful floor. I brushed my hands off.

"Sabine, what are you doing?" Ezra walked over to me, and looked at the body laying on the floor beneath my feet.

"He was flirting." I shrugged. "He got what he deserved."

"W-What do you mean?" He put the good down on the table beside me.

"Ahh... Its in my head!" I fell down on the floor, holding my head in my hands.

"What, what is?" Ezra ran over to me, and put his arm around me.

"Someone..." I gasped. "Billy!" I screamed.

"Sabine, Sabine, calm down!" The whole disco went silent, Zeb and Kallus ran over.

"I-I can't B-Breathe..." I gasped for air, but it was no use.

"Sabine, no, hold on!" I could hear Ezra yelling.

"Get Hera!" Zeb yelled.

I opened my eyes, and I was laying in a medic bed. Ezra was sat in a small chair in the corner of the room, fast asleep. I looked across at him, and smiled.

"Ah.." When I moved, my stomach pain came back.

"Oh, Sabine, are you okay." Ezra blinked a bit when he woke up, then he walked up to me.

"Ah... Yeah, my stomach just hurts a little." I mumbled.

"Sabine I can hear you." Ezra rolled his eyes.

"I don't care." I hugged him. "I love you."

"I love you too." Ezra smiled.

"Ah... My head!" I screamed, holding my palm against my temple.

"What is it Sabine?" Ezra shook me.

"Someone's in my head!" I screamed.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Calypso has discovered the white room. They had a disco, just because the title of the last chapter and this chapter. Don't judge me. So if your reading this authors note, then your amazing! Just had to say that because I didn't want to say the people who aren't reading this authors note are losers. So I said it politely, in a nice way. Jk, or am I? I don't even know. Please vote on this chapter if you enjoyed it!


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