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It is a cold morning of late October. The sounds of chirping of birds, gossiping, cursing and dribbling of the ball filled the campus. In basketball court, Bek is skillfully scoring for his team and it's really a wonderful view. Even in this cold weather, Bek is covered in sweat. He is wearing a jersey and a shorts. His team is leading. He is looking marvellous in that sleeveless jersey, his hair all wet and messed up. Sweat rolling down his forehead to his side of the face is somehow making him hotter.

Lost in her thoughts, Lyra is going to the class. It's been about 10 days and she still miss Sam's company. She miss how Sam used to meet her at the gate and talk endlessly till they were in the class and teacher had entered. He was so stupid to talk so much with little replies from her, she thought. An instant smile appears on her face which soon fades when a ball coming from don't no where hits her head. "Ouch!." She falls on the ground with all her book been scattered.

"I'm sorry. Are you ok?"

A hand reaches out to Lyra for help. As she looks up, she gets amazed by seeing most popular guy in the college, Bek. She has always admired Bek. She would never admit it but Bek is her crush like all other girls in the college. She grabs his hand and stands up.

All other girls who were enjoying watching Bek just a minute ago, now got irritated seeing Bek with a girl.

"What! She is flirting with Bek! Such a bitch. First she flirted with Sam and made him date her and now Bek! That slut! Thank god Sam finally got some sense and left her. How did he tolerate her for a month?" The girls start gossiping keeping their voice as high so Lyra could hear. Bek, on the other hand does not noticed.

"Are you hurt?" A concerned Bek asks picking her books up and handing it over to her.

Lyra says nothing and runs away so that no body could notice her tears. Bek is confused and a feeling of guilt has taken over him.

It is something Bek has never experienced. Bek never experienced anybody running away from him since his middle school. It reminded him of the bad times when he was a shy boy and everybody either ignored him or trolled him.

But after Ashley came in his life everything changed. She taught him to be confident. And then he was always the centre of attention. People love talking to him and he loves making friends.

This is the only incidence after so long that someone has ran away from him and it's somehow breaking him.

As usual, Lyra is feeding stray dogs in an alley near her home. She is so lost in the thoughts of what happened today. Suddenly she hears a voice. "Oh, hi. Do you live here?" Bek asked.
Lyra, who is sitting on her knees freaks out. "Are you following me?" A surprised Lyra asks as she stands up. "No.. no, it's just... I missed my bus and it was so stupid for me to think that I could find my way home. And now.... I'm lost. Oh yeah! And I wanted to say I'm sorry for today. I could have catched the ball. I should not have missed it." Bek said."I'm fine. Thanks." "Really? I'm sorry but when you went away without saying anything, I thought you were angry..." "No. It's just.... Nevermind. Aren't you on the way to somewhere?" "Yeah. Actually can you tell me the way to nearest bus stop? I don't think I'll be able to go by my own." "Oh. You are close. Just turn left from here, then take another left, from there take the third alley on the right side, then left and there's your bus stop." "Oh....." "Yeah." "I know it's too much to ask but umm can you take me to the bus stop. I mean if you can. There's no pressure........ Okay. I think I've to leave. Thanks for telling me the way." Bek says and gives an awkward smile. Bek has always been pampered by his aunt Marie. His aunt loves him like her own child and he is her only family. She made sure he gets the best things, be it the food, the clothes, his gadgets or anything. She never let him go anywhere on his own. When he was a kid she used to take him to school and bring him back on her own but since the expand of her business demands more time of her, she hired a driver for him and it was a very tough decision for her. She can never trust anybody with her beloved nephew. As a result of this Bek is not well aware of the roads. His aunt Marie had to go on a business to New York for a month. And Bek found a perfect opportunity to give his driver leave and experience new things. Though at the time he is regretting his decision. "I will show you the way. I'm done here and that place is not so far." "Thanks." Bek says almost jumping with happiness. Lyra feeds the last biscuit to the dog and starts leading the way. Bek catches her pace and says "Hi. I'm Bek." "I know." "Oh. Umm... What's your name?" "Lyra." "Oh. Nice name. So what is your stream?" "Maths with physics." "Oh! Same. In which year?" "Last." "What! We're in the same class? We've been in the same class for two years. How come have I never noticed you?" "It's nothing to be surprised. I think it's my speciality to not being noticed." "No, no. Don't say that. It's my fault. Generally I never approach anyone. It has nothing to do with my ego. It's just.... " "Everyone approaches you first. Perks of being so popular. I know." "Umm well you're half right. Everybody come to me so I never needed to approach anybody. And second.... Nevermind so.." "and Ashley didn't like you talking to other girls.... I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. I suck at choosing words." "No it's ok. You're right again. I'm just wondering how do you know all these." "Maybe I'm a good observer." Lyra says and for the first time in this conversation smiles. This makes Bek smile back. Time might have been in a hurry because they are already at the bus stop. They wonder was the journey this short. It seems like in a blink of an eye they reached from that alley to the bus stop. Hell if only the way was a little longer, they would have talked so much more but it's time to say goodbye. "So we're here." Lyra says. "I didn't know this place was so close." "Me neither." Lyra whispers. "What?" "Nothing. Now I think I should go. It's nice to meet you." Lyra says as she turns back and starts moving. "Lyra." Bek calls her. Lyra stops in her way and turns back to look at Bek. Bek comes to her and offers his hand. "Friends?" After thinking for a few minutes Lyra puts her hand in his. "Friends." She says with a smile.

The first thing Bek does after returning home is call his driver back.

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