I'm really happy for you

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It is 1st of November. Though it's already 9 in the morning, the sun has decided to stay hidden. The cold breeze is enjoying slapping random people from time to time. Bek is compensating his miss on gym today by walking here and there in front of the gate. He contacted Lyra last night to ask how was she, but her ' I'm alright' didn't feel alright.

Lyra sees Bek near the gate. In a fail attempt to avoid him, Lyra tries to sneak inside, hiding behind a group of girls but of course Bek notice.

"Lyra. Hey."

"Oh, Hey Bek."

"We need to talk."

"M... About what? Actually.. I've my class. We can talk later."

"No we can't. Just bunk it."

"Bek I never bunk classes." Said Lyra with wide eyes, looking surprised at the suggestion.

"There's always a first time Lyra. Let's go."


"In the garden." Bek grabbs Lyra's wrist and take her to the garden. Lyra just let him drag her.

They take their seats on the garden bench, facing each other. Lyra is sitting like a child waiting for her punishment.

"What happened last night?" Asks Bek.

"Nothing, I was just not feeling well. I'm not used to being in a crowded space so"

"Lyra, please. You can tell me. You can trust me with anything, I promise."

"I heard the rumours about me and you."
Bek looks at her in silence, waiting for her to continue and she does, "Sam doesn't even want to meet my eyes. It sounds so weird that I started dating again just  after a month we broke up. Sam must hate me so much that he can't even stand looking at me. I've been looked down Bek but I don't want to be looked down by Sam."

"Lyra," Bek says smoothly, "I'm sorry because of me you had to go through all these. I'll clear it up with my friends. I'll talk to Sam. I'll tell him there's nothing between us. Everything is going to be alright."

Lyra replies it not with words but with tear-filled eyes and a smile. She let him know she trusts him.

"And I wanted to say you looked stunning last night."

Lyra laughs. Her pale cheeks take a light shade of pink. "Thanks Bek. You too. What were you? A wizard right."

"Yes. And I brought Harry Potter books for you. It's really awesome. You know when we were young, Steph, Will, Ash and I used to roleplay Harry Potter characters. I always fought for being Slytherin but..."

Lyra doesn't realise when her attention slips from Bek's words to his lips. How they were coming close and then going apart so perfectly synced. How his hair was ruffling against his forehead. His nose tip sharp and slightly pink from cold. How his neck, somehow delicate and muscular at the same looks so adorable when he swallows. Lyra realises Bek has stopped talking. He's looking at her, his lips parted.

"I.. I'm sorry Lyra. I've to go see Will. He's going to be mad at me. See ya then." Bek left in a hurry.

Lyra realises what she was doing. How could she do that. How could she be attracted to Bek. She loves Sam. She loves him right. And she should not have feelings for anybody else. Not so soon. After all it's only been about a month. What's wrong with her. Lyra is in deep discussion/ argument with herself.

"Hi." Sam's voice catches her attention. "Can I sit here?" Sam asks.

"Ye... Yes. Hi." Lyra says. She is looking everywhere but at Sam. She can't look at him. She feels guilty.

"I don't know how to start. I have a lot to say." Sam says while fiddling with his keychain. "I'm dumb. I'm an idiot. Lyr... Lyra. I'm sorry for all the mean things I said to you. I didn't mean it. I was just really sad and really angry. I know no excuse is going to make me less guilty. I always thought Lyr that I'm not good enough for you may be that's why you didn't love me. I was not actually angry with you, I was angry because my friends were teasing me that my girlfriend doesn't let me touch her. And I'm again really guilty for telling them. I know I should not." Sam takes a deep breath and continues, "Lyra I couldn't sleep that night. I just wanted to apologise. I even tried to confront you but I just couldn't face you. I couldn't collect enough bravery to be seen by you so I started avoiding been seen by you. But I always watched you, being hidden.. mm you can say stalk. But just I was too guilty." He pauses to look at Lyra. Tears roll down her eyes. " Then I saw you with Bek and I was really jealous. But I knew I did nothing to deserve you. I was never the one for you Lyra and to be honest I'm really sad about it that Bek is. You're more happy with him. You're more confident. You laugh more now Lyr. You talk more. When last night I saw you in the party, you looked stunning. And the most amazing part was you were in the crowd and still not nervous. This is all because of that dick Bek. And I never thought I would say this but I'm happy for you Lyr. I'm really happy for you. I'm happy for both of you. You both make each other better. Never let him go Lyr. He's the best for you." Lyra is looking at him, eyes all red but stunning smile on her face. "Sam. Do you think Bek and I are good together?"

"Lyr, you both are best together. So do I have my apology?"

"It's okay Sam. It's all okay. And thanks. Thankyou so much. You don't know what burden you've freed me of."

Sam smiled.

"Lyra, will you give me the pleasure of being your friend?" "Yes Sam. No matter what we're, we are always friends."

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