I like her

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The court is filled with the sound of dribbling, whistles and some shouts from time to time. Bek is sitting on the stairs, dribbling his ball absent-mindedly on the ground. "When guy's get their girls, they forget  their bros. I thought it would never happen between us." A handsome, tall, black and well-built guy sat beside Bek. His hair is trimmed short and his eyes are mesmerizing shade of brown.

"Hey bud. How have you been. Congratulations for your win man."

"Oh so you remember me? I thought I've been long forgotten."

"Shut up Will. I'm so happy to see you." Bek hugs Will.

"So tell me about the girl who already caught attention of two of the hotshots of our college."

"Will it's not what you think man. Everybody is just assuming. There's nothing between me and Lyra." Bek sighs.

"Why do I feel like you doubt yourself on this. Feels more like you're convincing yourself. What is it Bek?"

Bek remembers the earlier hour. How Lyra was looking at him with those glossy eyes, like she was craving him, like she would devour him with just her eyes. Breathing him with her deep breaths. And then how she bit her lower lip and sent Bek on the edge of losing his mind. How he had to swallow. How his heart stopped for a second.

"I have caught feelings for her." Bek whispers and is hardly heard by Will.

"I.. I like her Will." This time he is audible.

"What? That's a good news Bek. Why are you sad? Are you worried that she doesn't like you?"

"No, she likes me. I don't know whether she knows it or not though."

"You like her, she like you, then what the hell is problem?"

"You're not getting it, Will. I love Ashley. How can I have feelings for someone else? We were in relationship for more than five years. I have loved her ever since I know. How can I just develop feelings for someone after just 5 months. Do I not love her enough? Did I never loved her?"

"I often wonder how dumb you can get and you always surprise me. Idiot. I've seen people judge other. You're such an idiot who is judging himself." Will gently put his hand on Bek's shoulder and speaks softly, "Bek tell me, is there a time period before which you shouldn't move on? How much long that period is? One year? Two years? Bek, we're free to move on when we are ready to move on. Doesn't matter if it's one year, ten years or even a day. The only thing that matters is whether you're ready or not. That's it."

"It's not that easy Will."

"Don't make it complicated Bek. And who can be better than her for you? A month ago, I saw you all broken, trying to fool everyone with your fake smiles, crying all night and coming to college with red eyes. And look at you now. You're happy Bek. You're happy with her."

"What about Ashley, Will. You remember how possessive she was for me." Bek smiles on the old remnants. "She hated seeing me with any other girl."

"Bek, Ashley is your past. She's gone man. Why are you wasting your present for that. Bek you know how fast things can get over. Life is giving you another chance. Please don't miss your chance buddy. Accept your feelings."

"Can I? Is this right?"

"Yes Bek. Yes."

Bek hugs Will tightly. "Thanks Will. What would I do without you?"

"Died twice I guess."

Both laughs.

"But. She thinks she loves Sam. She actually loves Sam. She haven't moved on yet Will. What if Sam returns in her life. What if I lose her, Will?"

"Bek, relax. I talked to Sam earlier. He also thinks that you two are together. You know Sam, he won't come between you two. Now stop crying like a child," Will wipes Bek's tears from his cheek, "and let's play a match."

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