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It's 31st of October. The campus is decorated with all the creepy things like carved pumpkins, fake skeletons, paper- bats, brooms and all. The reason nobody had a heart failure yet is the daylight. If it was dark, no one would have blamed someone wetting their pants. Lyra is lost in admiring the decoration. All of a sudden she caught two eyes starring at her. As soon as their eyes met, Sam looks away. He starts talking to someone, pretending to ignore Lyra. This broke Lyra. She saw how much pain those two green orbs were carrying. She wants to run to Sam. She wants to hug him. But she can't because she is such a coward that she can't meet his eyes again, she thought. She curses herself for that. Though Lyra could never get Sam out of her mind, it was the first time she saw him after their breakup. She always thinks Sam hate her so much that he doesn't even want to see her, that's why he is avoiding her. Her eyes is full of tears.

"Boo", Lyra hears a voice near her ear from the back. The breath gives her chill down her spine. "Haha, I didn't think you would be so scared. Wait, are you crying"- said Bek. "No, no, it's just dust," said Lyra, wiping off her tears.
"Lyra you know, you need a new excuse. It's quite old and used now."

"It's no excuse. I'm not crying Bek. Why would I?"

"I'm waiting for you to answer that."

Bek notices Sam. "Is this about Sam." Lyra's silence answered it. "I know how it feels. The person who is so important to you suddenly moves out of your life. There's no one that can understand this better than me. But you know Lyra, life stops for no one. If we are stuck to the past, we will lose so much of the present and future also. It's the rule of the life, the show must go on. I know it's easier said than done. But we should all give life another chance. We should accept our past and move on, because sometimes holding on hurts more than letting go.", Said Bek. Lyra is looking at Bek in confusion. "Bek, do you follow it, whatever you're saying? Did you moved on on Ashley? I don't think you did." "I'm trying. It's so hard, I know. But there's no other option. By the way in my case we can't do anything but yours can still be solved. You know Sam is a nice guy. He's too childish sometime that's why he does some stupidity time to time. I will talk to him and try putting some sense in him. He still loves you, you know?" "Thanks for thinking about me but you know there's no need. I know Sam is very nice. It's about me. I don't think we're meant for each other. He's too good for me. He deserves someone better." Bek turned Lyra towards him, holds her hands and says- "Lyra there is no one better than you. He has done the most stupid thing by letting you go. If you don't want I won't talk to him but just remember it was his loss not yours. You know the guy with whom you'll decide to share your life will be the luckiest guy ever. And I'm going to be so jealous of him." Bek's holding hand of Lyra makes her anxious. Sweat starts rolling down her forehead. She becomes so nervous and pulls her hand awkwardly. Pretending a fake laugh she said- "Haha! Ok, enough of making up things."
"Hey Bekky, coming to the party tonight, aren't you? Oh hi. You're ummm Lyra right? Halloween party at my house tonight, and you have to be there. Oh by the way it's Wayne, Bekky's best buddy", said Wayne. "First thing, my name's not Bekky, it's Bek, how many times do I have to tell you. And the next, we're not best buddy's." "Oh, Bekky, you're breaking my heart." Lyra interrupted, "nice to meet you Wayne and thanks for inviting me but I'm very sorry, I don't think I can make it." "I don't wanna hear anything, you guys are coming. And we all wanna know more about Bekky's date. So be there by 7," said Wayne and left.
"We're not dating."/ "My name is not Bekky." Said Lyra and Bek at the same time. Lyra stares at Bek with a murderous glare. "Um,yeah. ' We're not dating ' ( Bek shouted). So will you go to the party?"
"No, will you?" "Ofcourse and you know Will will also be there. Please come. I want you to meet him. I'll be seeing him after a month. I'm so excited", said Bek.
"Okay but what do we do there?" "Don't tell me. You have never been to a Halloween party before?"
"Um I guess no."
"Well, we dress up like someone else, mostly some imaginary characters, we eat, we drink, we dance."
"Oh, then whom should I dress up like?"
"You should dress up like a vampire, you know. Your skin shade is so like them, it seems like there's no blood..... Sorry."
"Thanks for that honesty sir, for saying I look like a vampire."
"Being like vampire is nothing bad. I mean they look hot."
"I'm not hot."
"Mmm yeah you don't, you look cute. You should certainly dress up like the pooh."
"Who's that?"
"You don't know pooh? Winnie the pooh? Oh my god, from which planet have you come from? It's a bear. Okay bad idea. What about being a witch?" "What? You want me to dress up like a witch", said Lyra angrily.
"No, no. Not that witch. The one in the Hogwarts. Like you know in Harry Potter, Like Hermione."
"Please speak in English will ya."
"Oh no. Fuck don't say you have never watched Harry Potter series. Oh such a muggle. I'm sorry again." Said Bek innocently.
"There's no TV in my house. And what's muggle though?"
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I had no idea about that. nd muggle means... Mmm, Later I guess. I have all the books of that series. I will give it to you. That series is awesome."
"Okay I'll figure something out. I'm getting late. Will see ya tonight. Oh wait, I don't know the venue."
"I will come to pick you up."
"How? you're too bad with direction. I'm sure you don't remember the place where we first met." Lyra laughs.
"I don't but I'm sure, Joy, my driver, will certainly find the place."
"Your car cannot be driven in those alleys, you know."
"That bus stop you remember? I'll wait for you there. Be there by 6:30."
"Okay, done."
"See ya then."
"See ya, bye."

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