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Lyra is standing in front of her wardrobe for almost an hour now. There's actually not much to look at and whatever she has. She is pretty sure she can't dress up like pooh or a witch so she is going for the vampire. She has looked so many images of vampire on internet. She is excited and nervous at the same time. Finally she settles for a full sleeve, black top with V neck and a black jeans. She wears her star snapped blue crystal necklace. Though that is not very expensive, that is the only thing she has. It was gifted to her by her mother on her 18th birthday that is why it is too precious for her. She rarely takes it out of the locker. She wears black sandals to pair with the attire.
"Hey mom. I'm going", Lyra says to her mom, coming out of her room.
"Oh my god! Is this my daughter. You're looking so beautiful."

"Just like my mother." She hugs her mom from behind and kisses on her cheek.

"Take care and don't even think of drinking and don't eat anything having peanuts, you will start having rashes. And be back soon"

"Mom, relax. I'll be back before 10. I'm not going on a war. And don't worry I'll take care."

"You're looking like a princess."

"Mom, I'm dressed up like a vampire."

"Oh! then maybe a vampire princess."

"Love you so much mom. I'm getting late okay. I'm leaving."

"Bye and don't be late"

Lyra is waiting for Bek on the bus stop. Soon a black Mercedes stops in front of her. The back door opens and Bek comes out. Bek is wearing a round framed, old fashioned specks, a white shirt, a tie with red and golden strips and a black coat with a batch that has lion on it.

"Lyra, you're looking beautiful. But what are you?"

"I'm a vampire, can't you tell?"

"Ohh, I mean yeah, I should have guessed."
"What are you?"

"Me, I'm Harry Potter."

"Harry Potter is a character? I thought it's the name of the series."

"That series is named after him."
"Oh. You look good."

"Thanks. You know Will wanted me to dress like Cedric Diggory. He says I look like him in the movie. Our hair colour matches. But he's a Hufflepuff and I have been sorted in Hufflepuff too and I don't like it. I wanted to be selected in Slytherin or atleast Gryffindor but.."

"You know you're not making sense."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Come sit in the car. We must leave. On our way, I'll tell you some basics of the Harry Potter and Hogwarts."

"Okay, let's go."

It's about 7:15 in the evening. Lyra and Bek enters into the big hall at Wayne's house. It's really hard to see anything. The place is so dim. There are so many disco lights that giving special effects to the decoration and people. The ceiling is decorated with all the creepy things like hanging white clothes with cut-out eyes and nose on the upper side, fake carved pumpkin lanterns, witches on the brooms. Even some projectors are fixed that are making some creepy illusions like flying witches, monster claws, big red eyes blinking and many more. The music is so loud that the beat is making resonance with the heartbeat.

"Wow", Lyra says in amaze.

"You can expect nothing else when a party is organised by Wayne. He is a pain in ass but when it comes about partying, he is the best"- says Bek.

"Bekky, Lyra , I was waiting for you. Let's join the group. Stephanie has asked about you a hundred times already"- Says Wayne.

Bek rolls his eyes. "Has Will arrived?" Bek asks.

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