Chapter One: A Request

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NOTE: as this is confusing a lot of people, when directed towards Adelaide, Ada is a nickname.

>>Also; this story is UNDER EDITING as of March 12, 2016

Shockingly blue eyes watched from the branches of a tall tree as a fairly large pack of Orcs passed below. The owner of the eyes, a very small, but lean woman of twenty-two, soundlessly swung branch to branch, following the orcs, wincing occasionally at their squeals and yells. She drew her ivory-colored bow, notched an ebony-colored arrow, and let it fly through the one at the very back. It's death was quick, and silent. It went unnoticed by the other orcs. The woman adjusted her white hood to cover more of her long golden ringlets, and killed two more orcs. About twelve remained. She silently jumped from the tree, unsheathed her elven sword, the shining silver blade catching the light of the midday sun. She attacked, killing the orcs and their wargs in minutes. The woman cleaned her blade, and put it back in her belt.

The woman returned to her white pony, Daley, and climbed back on, trotting down the road. She filled her water skin at a stream, and leaned back against a tree, Daley tethered to a branch above her.

A branch behind her cracked, and she fixed her hood, and tightened the silver clasp to her white cloak. She doesn't speak, but draws her sword, looking for the intruder.

"Now, now, Miss Rosewood, I mean no harm."

"Gandalf!" She greeted. They embraced briefly, but then she frowned. "Has someone followed you?"

Gandalf shook his head. "No, Adelaide. I have come alone."

She sighed in relief. "I know you well enough to know that when you seek me out, you need something." She smiled cheekily at her friend, her pink lips revealing perfectly straight and white teeth.

The wizard chuckled heartily, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "You know me too well, Ada," he said. "I have come to ask you to join me and fourteen others on an adventure."

Adelaide's perfect brow furrowed. "What kind of quest?" She inquired, looking up at the wizard (as she only comes up to his stomach in height).

"The Dwarves of Erebor wish to reclaim their mountain."

Adelaide nodded. "Who would be leading this quest?"

"Thorin Oakenshield, the-"

"King Under the Mountain. It would mean facing Smaug, would it not?" Adelaide interrupted.

Gandalf nodded his head. "Undoubtedly. So will you consider it?"

The blonde shook her head. "No need to think about it. I will do it."



Sorry the first chapter is so short. I needed a way to kick it off. The next chapter, however, will be longer.

I will be changing a few SMALL things throughout the story, such as lines, and I apologize if that bothers you. I have only seen the movies. I will try to read the book, but no promises there. I still have two books to read for Summer Reading. Jane Austen, why must you write such long stories?!

I also apologize ahead of time for any misspellings.

Hope you guys like this! Feel free to check out any of my other stories, or follow me, maybe?

See ya!


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