Chapter Ten: The Door to Erebor

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You guys are literally amazing. I have more than 500 reads on this story already! I barely expected to get any reads, to be honest! And I'm sad to say this story is almost done. At least 2 or 3 chapters left. I have to admit, I have considered giving up on this story. But seeing the responses I got on this, I didn't want to leave you guys hanging. How horrible would that be? So, thank you, and read on!


The town master had given the company weapons and armor for their journey to Erebor in the morning, and a suitable place to stay the night. Adelaide was so glad to no longer be sleeping on the ground, where strange animals could eat her face off, or in fear that an Orc would stab her in her sleep.

She walked hand in hand with Thorin to the room they are sharing, looking forward to a peaceful night's sleep.

She climbed into bed, next to her Other Half, and laid her head I his chest, sighing contentedly. "Good night, my love," Thorin whispered to her, kissing her softly.

"Night," she mumbled, yawning, before falling asleep with a soft smile on her face, her Other Half's arms wrapped protectively around her.


Adelaide climbed onto the boat, her sword tied tightly to her belt, her signature white cloak tight around her shoulders, the hood down for once.

She felt so exposed with her hood down, like people were judging her. She could see people pointing at her, and whispering into their friends' ears.

"She's the White Rider?"

"After all these years, the infamous White Rider is a woman! Despicable!"

"Such a disgrace!"

"She should be married, with family, not prancing about doing men's work!"

"She's no hero!"

That one hit her the hardest.

That's all she's ever done: save innocent people from attacks! Why should it suddenly make a difference that people know she's a woman?

"Don't listen to them, lassie!" Balin whispered to her. "They don't have a single clue as to what they're talking about!"

Adelaide smiled thankfully at the older dwarf. "Thank you, Balin."

"No. Not you." Adelaide looked up to see Thorin halting Kili from climbing aboard.

Oin climbed out to stay with him and help with his injured leg.

Fili stood to leave, but Thirin stopped him. "You belong with the company!"

Fili glared at his uncle. "I belong with my brother!"

Thorin let him go, and climbed into the boat, sitting next to Adelaide.

She looked around, counting the heads of the Company. Her brow furrowed. "Where's Bofur?" She questioned, looking around.

Thorin looked around for the toy maker as well. "If he's not here, we'll have to leave with out him."

A couple hours later, the boat had pulled up on land at the bottom of the Lonely Mountain. The company began searching for a hidden door, or any clues as to where the hidden door is located.

"I found something!" Bilbo cried, looking up at one of the carvings etched into the side of the mountain.

"You have a keen eye, Master Baggins," Thorin said, walking over to the stairs.

He helped Adelaide up, and went over to the wall of the mountain. "This must be it," he whispered, running his fingers down the stone. "Find the keyhole! We are losing the last light of Durin's Day!" He commanded, letting a few members of his company rush up and search the wall for the keyhole.

"It's not here!" Nori cried, slumping away from the door.

The sun had set.

Durin's Day is over.

"It is done," Thorin said, looking down at the key in his hand. "We have failed."

He dropped the key to the ground and began to descend the hidden staircase.

Bilbo was frantic. "No! Thorin, you can't give up now! You've come too far!" He protested, trying to stop the retreating company.

"He's right, Thorin. You've come too far. For all you know, there could be another way in!" Adelaide said, trying to sound optimistic.

Thorin looked sadly into her eyes. "There is no other way in," he said, walking past her.

She stayed up there with Bilbo, who was holding the map and muttering things under his breath, looking around the stone face. "Keyhole, keyhole, keyhole..."

Just then, a wisp of cloud drifted away, unblocking the silver glow of the moon. A thrush tapped his beak thrice on the stone, and a keyhole appeared.

Bilbo laughed joyously. "Come back!" He yelled. "The keyhole! It's the light of the moon, not the sun! Come back!" He was overjoyed.

"Well done, Bilbo!" Adelaide exclaimed, clapping.

Adelaide smiled at the hobbit's energy. "The key! Where is the key?" Bilbo muttered. "It was around here..."

His large foot kicked it, and sent it flying towards the edge of the mountain. "No!" Adelaide cried, lunging for it.

However, before it could fall, a hand wrapped around the string attached to the key. Adelaide looked up to see it was Thorin who had caught the key, and she grinned at him, making him smile back.

The rest of the company came back up, congratulating Bilbo on the discovery.

Thorin pushed the key into the keyhole, and turns it. It clicks open, and Thorin pulls it, revealing the halls of Erebor.

"Balin..." Thorin whispered.

Balin smiled, the wrinkles around his eyes crinkling. "These walls..." he said, "I remember these walls... Bathed in golden light..."

Bilbo looked up at the carving above the door. "And that glowing thing..." he began. "What is it?"

Balin smiled. "That, Master Burglar. Is why you are here."



So so so sorry it's short. School started today.


Note the sarcasm.

Funny story for you guys...

Okay, so I chose FACS (Home Ec) (clothing fashion and textiles) as my elective for this year, and I walked in to see like 20-25 girls. About 5 minutes into the class, a boy walks in.

He's the only boy in a class full of 20-25 girls.

And let me tell you, he did NOT look thrilled. AT ALL.

I laughed my ass off in lunch about it. Funniest thing to ever happen to me in school.


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